Chapter seven

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Kristina's POV

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It was deathly silent.

Nobody moved. Nobody spoke. Nobody did anything. It was as if time had stopped, freezing us all in place.

I knew that I should have expected this, prepared myself for this. But I didn't. I couldn't do anything. I was holding my breath, hoping someone would do or say something. Smile maybe. . .

No one did.

My father was still standing in front of me but he was staring at me with wide, shocked eyes. I prayed to the moon goddess that he'd believe me, I didn't want to walk out of here without having him believe me. Without having gained something.

"What?" He whispered finally as he searched every single inch of my face. For what, I didn't know. I hoped he could read the honestly that was burning in my eyes.

I took a deep breath and repeated what I'd previously said. "I am your daughter."

His face went slack, I couldn't detect anything from him. His eyes went cold and hard as he stared right at me. I didn't look away, watching his reaction with a thousand eagles soaring around in the pit of my belly.

"Why would you say that?" He said finally, still whispering. His eyes were swirling between blue and black and I knew what that meant; his wolf was coming out.

"Do you think this is some kind of joke!" He yelled at me, outraged before he slammed his fist into the nearest wall. I flinched and stepped back.

His fist went straight through the wall, plaster and bricks crumbling and fall over his clenched hand. There was now a gaping hole in the wall. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Josh shift closer towards me, everything about his posture was defensive.

I guess he wasn't going to smile at me then. . .

"I-I," I stutter, I could hear my own heart beat pounding in my ears. "I wasn't joki-"

He cut me off angrily, swirling around to face me with pure rage. "Don't lie to me! Why would you say that! My mate is gone!"

My breaths were quickening again, my chest rising and falling fast as my hands became sweaty. "No," I say, shaking my head furiously, needing him to believe me. "She's not. She's okay. She's-"

"Stop lying to me!" His voice boomed as his eyes darkened into an inky black. Josh was instantly at my side, pushing me behind him slightly, his fists cleaning. "She's gone! My mate is gone!"

I took a deep breath, trying to control myself. I glance over at Nico and saw that his face had paled considerably as he stared at me in a mixture of doubt, shock, disbelief and confusion.

Did he believe me?

"She's not gone. She sent me here to meet you. She told me you were my father."

"If my mate is your mother," He snarled lowly, clearly not believing a word I had said. "What is her name? Huh? What is my mates name?"

I answered instantly, knowing the answer off the back of my hand. "Melanie Kate Lewis." He stiffened as he stared at me.

"How did you know that?" He growled at me, his body stared to quake, sure signs of a shift. "Did someone put you up to this? One of the those stupid rogues lurking around! Are you one of those rogues!"

I shook my head. "No!" I said. "There was a party sixteen years ago where you met my mother - Melanie - that same night you made me! When she woke up you were gone! She cried for weeks! Then she starting getting sick so she took a test! She got pregnant! My mom left after she found out!" I yelled at him, rushing my words out in fear of him cutting me off again.

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