Chapter Four

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Kristina's POV

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"I'm gonna go." I tell Savannah and josh. It had been a few days since I realised that I was the heir to mom's old pack and each day I spent wondering what to do.

Now I've decided.

I want to go and meet him. Just once. For a short amount of time just so I can get to know him and find out why he left mom. I didn't know if I wanted to be alpha yet but I still had time.

I didn't think I could forgive him though for what he did to mom. She was young, afraid and alone when she had me. She had no one.

Not even my grandparents.

Right now I was lying on my front on my bed with my text books open in front of me. Savannah was at my desk making up a cheer she wanted to try out while Josh lay beside me on my bed tossing a ball to himself.

Josh froze his movements when I spoke and the ball came back down and smacked him in the face. Oh, gravity.

"What?" He asks, rubbing his cheek where the ball had hit him. I sigh and throw my book down off of my bed before siting up.

"I wanna go. Just for a few days to meet him then I'll come back." I say as I pull my hair free of its bun.

"What about the whole alpha thing?" Savannah asks. We'd filled her in a few days ago and she was now aware of my situation. "You doing that or not?"

I shrug. "I haven't decided. I mean, I don't know if pack life is for me or if I will be a good alpha. I've never even met these people, so I'm not so sure. Plus I'm happy with my life as it is."

"Right," she says. "So you want to go to get a. . ." She pauses thinking of the right word. "Taster of things?" I nod.

"Yeah, I think so," I say. "Not for long though. I'll come back and decide what to do then." I remind them again letting them know that I wasn't abandoning them.

"When are you going?" Josh asks. He's sat up straight now too and watching me with unreadable expression.

I shrug. "I guess when mom gives the okay."

"Your going alone?" He asks and I nod. "Are you sure? It's a long trip and you could run into trouble."

"I'll take a cab?" I say but I comes out more as a question. I wasn't really sure yet.

"That'll take days!" Savannah whines with pout. "I won't last that long without you. The amount of days it'll take you to get there plus the amount of time you'll stay then the journey home will add up to about six years!"

I roll my eyes. So dramatic. "That would be two weeks at most and I don't plan on staying that long. Three days."

"You can't get to know a person really well within a three days, plus that doesn't even add up." Josh argues.

"Well, I can't be too long-"

"Melanie!" Savannah screams over me and my eyes widen. My mom? No, no, no, no, no! I haven't even told her yet! "Melanie!"

Mom comes running in with a panicked look on her face, wielding a sharp kitchen knife. Or eyes widen. My mom has a knife! My mom has a knife! My mom has a knife. My. Mom. Has. A. Knife!

When she sees we are all okay she sighs in relief and looks over to Savannah questioningly. "Yes?"

"Uh," she mind blanks, her gaze lingering in the knife for a second longer before she turns her attention to my mom. "Kristi wants to go meet her dad for few days but she doesn't want to be gone long. Tell her she needs to go for a little longer than three days." Savannah says in answer and I groan at her.

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