Chapter One

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Kristina's POV

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16 years later. . .

"Shut up Josh!" I whined to my best friend as he teased me over my small crush on Kyle West, the schools golden boy. He is sweet, kind, funny, friendly and he's super hot.

The man of my dreams.

Somehow that gave Josh the right to tease me about it each day in his stupid Irish accent. Josh had moved here about five years ago and we had instantly became friends. Somehow he hasn't lost his accent despite the fact that he is surrounded by Americans all the time.

We became friends almost instantly when we met because we both knew what the other was and we were both rogues. Josh moved down here with his younger sister, Savannah, from the UK after leaving there pack.

Well, it was more complicated than that.

Savannah was kicked out because her mate was a rogue and she was telling him information about their packs defence mechanism and the secrets and gossip going around. Then the Alpha found out and she was given the boot. But, appear toy, that wasn't punishment enough for they killed her mate before her eyes.

Josh said that she wouldn't survive as a rogue on her own so he left too, swearing to protect her life with his own.

We both knew she wasn't fully over her mates death - they never were - but we never mentioned anything about it, knowing it was a sensitive subject for her.

Mom never told me why we are rogues. She just says 'the pack life wasn't for me' every time I ask her. I don't believe it because whenever I do get the guts to ask her why were rogues she goes all tense and closed off, sometimes she looks like she's on the edge of tears. I used to ask all the time when I first shifted when I was twelve. I don't any more because I can see it brings her pain. Whatever happened wasn't good, I could tell that much.

I slammed my locker shut and stormed off down the hall with Josh laughing like a hyena in tow. I groaned as I pushed open the glass doors before speed walking down the path towards Josh's car.

Sadly, I don't have a car. Mom can't afford to buy me one, she already has to pay for hers, pay the rent for our flat, for food to put on the table and her hair salon so I just get josh to give me a ride to and from school. And anywhere else I wanna go.

"Wait!" He called after me still in hysterics. "Come on! Kris, wait, please!" He called as he jogged to catch up to my fast pace.

When he catches up he takes a deep breath and grabs hold of my arm, slowing my speed walking down to a normal pace. I knew my face was flushed deep red from the embarrassment of him teasing me about it.

"That wasn't funny!" I say angrily as he unlocks his car. Rolling his eyes, he gets in muttering under his breath. I huff and jump in the passages side as we wait for Savannah to come and meet us so we can leave.

"So how's your mom?" Josh asks breaking the silence. I sigh and slump down in my seat.

"Honestly, I don't know." I admit, our earlier argument forgotten. "Lately she's been working harder and she's all over the place. It's starting to worry me. She's normally so calm and collected but now she's. . . I don't know. She's just acting different." I say with a shrug of my shoulders.

"Maybe she's just stressed out." Josh says as he throws his back pack on the back seat. I roll my eyes. My mom is stressed out most of the time but she covers it up with a happy, calm facade that I can always see through.

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