Chapter Twenty

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Kristina's POV

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Hiking my bag high in my shoulder, I turned to Josh, who was standing beside me in my room, his eyes dark with understanding.

"Are you sure about this?" Josh asked me in a low tone of voice. Nodding, I let out a long breath. This was my choice, my decision and only I would be to blame for the consequences of our next actions.

Glancing around the room, I nodded once again, staring at the freshly made bed and empty drawers. This was what I wanted,
and it was for the best. My father was a man who I was almost certain I didn't want in my life.

After hearing Josh's account of what had taken place in my father's office a few hours before I was certain that I no longer wanted to stay. My father, no matter how kind and loving he had seemed to be towards me, was a cruel man who cared for no one but himself and I wanted no part in his games.

I may not have known a lot about father-daughter relationships but I was certain that father did not lie and deceive their children. It was sick and horrid. And, whether I liked to admit it aloud or not, my heart had cracked piece by piece with every truth Josh spoke about my father's actions.

He had lied about the penalty over my head. He had lied about the death sentence. He had tried to trick me into marrying a man twice my age. He had broken the small bond we had forged over my stay with him.

And I wasn't going to stick around and wait for the next manipulative and wretched thing he was going to force me into.

Returning my gaze to Josh, I lifted my chin and squared my shoulders. "Let's go."

Without preamble, Josh walked for my bedroom- No, the bedroom window. Shifting his backpack, he wedge the heels of his hands under the framework and pushed the window up with minimal noise. The gentle squeak that came from the lower window frame scraping against the high window frame was a noise quiet enough not to wake the Alpha asleep in his office one floor below.

Josh smiled reassuringly at me before he swung one leg out the window and ducked down until his front was pressed to the window ledge. Grunting softly, Josh slid out onto the other side and dragging his other leg out with him. And then the white hands that gripped the window ledge disappeared as Josh let go and dropping to the ground below with a delicate thump.

Glancing back one at the empty room and the closed door, I made my way to the window. Mimicking Josh's previous movements I soon found myself dangling from the window ledge by my hands. Hissing at the pull in my arms and the burn in my fingers, I released the ledge and sailed to the ground, landing on the grassy land below.

Brushing my hands off, I glanced over at Josh who was glancing around the courtyard with narrowed eyes. Looking at me, Josh held out a hand for me and, taking it, we darted together across the lawn and then toward the woods, our footsteps the only sound in the quiet of the night.

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