Chapter Twenty Three

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Kristina's POV

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I bolted upright with a start, my limbs tangled in the blankets as my body went on instant defence. There was a loud resounding snarl so loud that it made my head ache. I whipped my head around towards the sound, my heart pounding in my chest, and caught sight of a dark grey blur before Luca bounded from the room, sleek and threading as he darted through the house towards the front door. Heat in my throat, I stumbled to my feet and snatched the gun off of the beside table before racing after Kyle's younger brother, fearing for his life. Skidding down the hall, I jerked myself to a stop at the sight bestowed before me.

Kyle standing in the entryway, panting and sweat slickened, dirt marring his brow. I gasped, sliding my eyes over him in desperate search for injuries, for blood, for bruises. His cheek bone held one single pale blue mark which could not be mistaken for anything other than a bruise but other than that he seemed to be clear of wounds.

I slumped in relief, glad to see him in one piece.

Then I realised who was beside him, sagging and moaning aloud in pain as if under torture. A saw a mop of brown hair, clumped with red stains and housing half of the woodlands in the chocolate strands. I couldn't see his face, he was double over. Hanging, actually, as if he couldn't hold his own weight, the balls of his feet scraping the floor as Kyle held all him up with an arm under his shoulders, Josh's limp bicep hanging over my mates neck loosely as if even holding on to him was an impossibility at this point. His right ankle was twice its normal size, swollen and bulbous and coloured a sickening shade of blue and green as if someone had broken it. And broken it. And broken it. And broken it.

I think I screamed. 

"Luca!" Kyle bellowed his voice honing a controlled demanding tone I'd never heard him is before. I couldn't tear my gaze away from my fallen best friend hut I heated, distantly, Luca whine in answer to his brothers call. "Shut the door. Move the table out of the way, we need to get him on the couch."

What? What? No, no, no, no, no.

Kyle stumbled toward the couch with Josh, face tight with exertion and I couldn't move. It was as if my legs were made of ice and my body of stone. I had no voice so I could not speak. Because Josh . . . Josh had been beaten. Tortured.

I moaned aloud, my agony clear.

Kyle looked up at me then and there was a softness in his gaze but not his face, that too was set in stone, just like me. "Kristina, go get the bandages and a damp washcloth. We're gonna need to wipe him down and then do what is necessary in order for him to heal, okay?" I blinked at him, swallowing hard around the golfball lodged in my throat. "Kristina!"

I snapped my gaze up, my body and mind one again at his deliberate shout for my attention. I nodded vehemently. It was okay, he knew what to do, it was going to be okay. Why didn't I Brielle my own words? I had to believe it, it had to be true. Josh was going to be okay, I told myself over and over, he was going to be okay. I nodded again, breathless and hurting, and whirled on the balls of my feet before sprinting down the hall, my leg full healed after my long awaited rest. I skidded into the bathroom and yanked the medicine box up off of the closed toilet lid and flew back to Kyle and Josh. Upon entering the room, I found Kyle in the process of lowering Josh to the couch. Disposing the box full of medicine supplies upon the coffee table - which had been pushed aside to make it easier for Kyle to put Josh down - I darted to Josh's side and looped his arm around the back of my neck, assisting my mate in his task to help heal my friend. Josh cried out in agony when his back met the couch and I winced, blinking tears from my eyes as I ducked down and scooped my arms under his knees and carefully, delicately, lifted them and set the on the couch with him.

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