Chapter six

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Kristina's POV

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"Rise and shine, sunshines!" A voice chimed happily in my ears making me groan and nuzzle my face deeper into the soft material I was lying on. What was that Cotten? "I'm awake an so should you! I'm bored!"

It is not morning yet!

Maybe if I keep my eyes closed it will be night time again!

I squeezed my eyes shut even tighter than I had before.

"Fuck off." I muttered sleepily, not caring who it was that was trying to wake me up.

"You should be happy that it was me who decided to wake you instead of you mom. She would've beat you ass if she heard you say that." I heard Savannah say.

"Fuck off." I repeat and swing my fist blindly at Savannah with my eyes closed. I heard her laugh and I growled lowly.

"Now we know you'll be bad in a fight if you were blind." I heard her giggle and growled again.

Stupid morning person.

"Five," I said, beginning the countdown. Her laughter cut off suddenly when she heard me say that.

"You wouldn't-"

"Four," I grumbled.


"Three!" I growled louder. Why wouldn't she just go away!

"Oh shit, your not kidding-"


"Calm down-"

"One!" I growled loudly as my eyes snapped open. Savannah let out a loud scream and scrambled away from me. Josh - who I was previously sleeping on - snapped his eyes open and bolted up right; his wide eyes scanning the room wildly for any sign of danger.

Then he saw me in an attack pose and Savannah screaming in terror as she scrambled away from me.

"Not again-" He groaned, running his hand down his face.

I ignored him because it was then when I realised what Savannah looked like. It seemed like Josh noticed at the same time because he said, "What the bloody hell is on your face?"

A mask of lumpy green slop was plastered all over her face and her hair was pulled up into what some would call a 'messy bun' but to me it looked like unbrushed hair in a hair tie on the top of her head.

"A face mask!" She said in a duh tone as if this should be completely obvious. "It cleanses the skin." She explain further at our dubious expressions.

"Why does it look like chewed up vomit?" I ask and instantly regret it because the image of someone sitting and chewing up their own chunky vomit was instantly engraved into my mind.

A look of pure horror and disgust took over her face as she stared at me, open mouthed and wide eyed. "What?" She muttered. She seemed to snap out of it then and yelled, "Ew! Gross! Fuck, now in have to take it off!" She growled and stomped off towards the bathroom, trampling over both me and Josh in her wake.

We were silent for a minute as we listened to Savannah mutter profanities in the bathroom.

"It kinda did look like vomit." Josh said and instantly nodded my head in agreement.

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