34. yeah I'm pretty sure she's on my family tree somewhere.

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chapter thirty - four : yeah I'm pretty sure she's on my family tree somewhere.

Draco and Hadrian are still close but kinda awkward around each other. Luna and Ginny are adorable together. TRiwIZaRD TOurNAmEnT. Hadrian is actually happy for once in his sodding miserable life. Pinterest is still addictive and a great place to find school uniforms. Harry Potter Wiki is the only reason I can still form coherent sentences. 


They all gathered on the grounds of Hogwarts. Due to the drowsiness of being called to stand in such neat fashion ( single lines, organized groups and all ) many students, especially the younger ones, stayed completely silent, their eyes darting around looking for answers only the teachers could give. Speaking of the teachers, they all stood huddled near Professor Dumbledore who was looking quite unfrazzled compared to them.

After a few moments the shock factor had weakened and some students began to slip out of their organized rows much to the disdain of the Prefects, Head boy and Head girl who had been left in charge while the teachers held their impromptu meeting. That is how Luna and Ginny found themselves sidling up to Hermione in a cheeky manner. They caused quite a commotion when they tapped Hermione's shoulder, she had been quietly focussed trying to hear snippets of the teachers conversation to no avail and had been so out of it that when Ginny tapped her shoulder she let out a muffled scream for she had immediately slapped her hands over her mouth. Luna and Ginny practically fell apart with laughter.

Hadrian looked positively disgruntled already, abhorring the fact that he had to be within breathing distance of other students of Hogwarts ( he's so quirky ). Draco, Pansy, Blaise, Theodore and him shuffled ( elegantly ) away from the student body and were standing under the shade of one of Hogwarts' many trees. Draco had attempted to climb the tree but had given up after he had scuffed his premium school shoes.

"Draco, what's happening?" Hadrian asked, looking over to the frowning boy. Draco knew everything happening regarding Hogwarts, his father was a fantastic informant. However if Draco knew the outs of Hogwarts Pansy knew the ins. She knew everything about everyone. She trades gossip like Snape dishes punishments. She knew practically more about the students than they knew about themselves. Say the word and she could spread the most wicked rumour about someone.

"Father mentioned that the students of Durmstrang would be arriving today. He wanted to send me to Durmstrang, you know. Eurgh. I could never, there's too much red in that school. My hair colour does not suit red at all. What's even worse? The cold. The cold would be absolutely horrid for my skin. I'd need a spell for cracked lips constantly. I should know, Mother and I spent a winter vacation at some mountain resort. Bloody freezing. Even Mother began to complain and she never complains. Since then we've spent our vacations in -" Draco continued, words spilling from his mouth like water off a ledge. He subconsciously fiddled with a piece of hair that had fallen in front of his eyes as he spoke. Pansy and Blaise had already focussed their attention elsewhere. Theo had wandered off. Hadrian had been distracted, he was thinking.

This pathetic procession must be for the arrival of the Beauxbatons and Durmstrang students. He briefly wondered how they would be travelling before he returned his fragile attention to Draco who was still oblivious to the fact that he had lost his friends the moment he had finished his first sentence.

Hadrian kind of dazed said, "I like your hair this way." without realizing what he had said he turned back to look at the Headmaster.

Draco had been in the middle of his sentence, " Wizarding paris is such a- excuse me what?"

Pansy's need for gossip caused her to nearly snap her neck as she spun to look demandingly at Hadrian, who frowned, he despised explaining simple things,

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