3. Boy was he wrong.

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Chapter three - Boy was he wrong.

Dumbledore apparated to Gringotts. An owl had managed to get past his 'stay-away' wards around the Dursleys house and he was incredibly worried that Harry might have gotten his hands on any information that could ruin his perfect plan. Albus stalked towards the bank tellers and stopped in front of Ricbert. 

"Name." Ricbert boredly asked. 

"Albus Wilfur Percival Dumbledore," Dumbledore responded. 

"Vault?" Ricbert asked.

He took a note down in his notebook that was open in front of him.

"Potter Vault," Dumbledore said. 

He needed to make the second half of his yearly 100,000 galleon withdrawal. Lucky for him because of the Trust spells he keyed himself into with Harry the boy didn't even notice the large amounts of money that disappeared from his vault, he even trusted Dumbledore with it. Which was why Dumbledore was very surprised when the goblin said this,

"It seems that you've been refused access to the Vault because you were illegally withdrawing money without the owner's permission. Us goblins love to recheck transactions from vaults every now and then and we have discovered how much you have illegally been taking from his vault. You are expected to pay back everything you owe to the vault. A letter has been delivered to all of the people who have taken from the Potter vault." Ricbert explained barely disguising the sneer on his twisted face. 

"What? Is Harry here may I speak to him?" Dumbledore said.

He was very panicked, he didn't have that money. What was he supposed to do? He looked hopefully at the goblin who looked to be deep in thought. 

"Mr Potter is currently not here, but we have sent a letter to him, if you wait here you can speak to him," Ricbert responded, of course, lying since Harry was in Gringotts. 

Dumbledore nodded and sat down on one of the cold marble benches in the Gringotts lobby. He thought to himself, this must be the Gringotts Goblins doing, with the trust spells placed on him he would trust me with his life. I just need to speak with him. 

Harry stepped into a circular room where runes were carved into the floor, walls and ceiling. He marvelled at the beauty of the room. Torches eerily lit up the room and the Head Goblin went to stand on a little pedestal on the left side of the room. 

"Mister Potter can you please stand in the middle of the room." The Head Goblin ordered. 

Harry nodded and stood there, he closed his eyes. Nothing can be worse than Uncle Dursley, right?

Boy was he wrong. 

It felt like dozens of white-hot knives were curling and carving into his skin. It felt like his body was stretching but at the same time shrinking into itself. When it was finally over (Many hours later.) Harry could feel the blocks lifted, his magic and power thrummed like a song through him, he felt content and happy. 

The Head Goblin summoned a mirror for Harry. 

Harry inspected his reflection. He was much taller and had the same features as his father from the diary but his hair was curly like his mothers, cut shorter at the sides and long on top, his eyes were two different colours, one was grey and the other was red. The grey one was on the side of his scar which was much larger than it used to be stretching down to the top of his cheekbone. He squinted at the mirror and covered his red eye and sure enough just as he suspected, he was blind in his grey eye. He sighed softly running his finger through his hair. 

He was going to murder Dumbledore. 

He suddenly felt so light, so he followed his instinct and jumped, he was flying! Well, more like floating but he was sure he would get the hang of it. He landed back on the ground and turned to grin at the Head Goblin. 

"What should I do now?" he asked, to be honest, he had absolutely no idea. 

"Well, for one you need a new wand, I suggest 'The WandMaker'in Knockturn Alley. You can also find a Creature shop there where you have to find a familiar, maybe even two in your case. You are very powerful and your familiars help you control your magic. " The Head Goblin suggested. 

Harry nodded along and agreed. He also needed new clothes his shirt and pants were definitely too short for him now and he had been walking around barefoot the entire time. 

The Head Goblin led him to the lobby where he passed an unsuspecting Albus Dumbledore who was clearly waiting for Harry. But that would never happen, for now, he is the one and only Hadrian Salazar Riddle. 

Hadrian walked into The Wandmaker after having to search for it for a while. Walking in Diagon Alley he had received many glares and sneers for his outfit. The blonde man at the counter took one look at him, turned around grabbed three boxes from the back shop and placed them on the counter.

"Hello, I'm Anton Ashton Fear. Looking for a new wand?" Anton said. 

"No, I'm looking for quills, what else?" Hadrian responded. 

Anton laughed and began taking three different items from each box and pacing them in front of Hadrian. 

"I want you to wave your hand over each group and tell me which one you feel the best pull to," Anton said. 

Hadrian raised his brow but did it anyway, he felt slightly ridiculous but in the end got a Fire Phoenix tear infused yew branch as the wand, Dark Phoenix flight feather as the core and a White Silver as the handle. Anton had grabbed those three items and told Hadrian to come back in two hours and practically pushed the boy out of the store. Quite disorientated Hadrian left the shop and walked down the dirty, damp cobbled street of Knockturn Alley. 

Hadrian decided to try and find his familiar next. As he was walking along he passed a store called Fantastic Beasts. The moment the rusty old bell went ding he felt a pull towards the back off the store. He completely ignored the store clerk and squatted down in front of a glass cage holding two three foot young snakes. 

~ hello ~ He hissed in Parseltongue. 

~ master ~  The albino one slithered towards the glass responds. ( ngl this sounds kind of creepy, just deal with it )

~ a speaker~ The black one, the sister continued. 

~ how wonderful ~ The albino finished. 

~ do you two have names~ Hadrian asked. 

 ~ no but,you may grant us our names ~ The black one replied.

~ hm, you (he pointed at the black snake) will be Isolt and you,(he pointed at the other) will be Sayre ~ Hadrian says. 

~ thank you master ~ Sayre hisses.

"Sir, will you be taking these?" The clerk he had ignored asked. 

"Yes," Hadrian said. 

The clerk opened the cage and the two snakes slithered out curling up his body and around his arms and shoulders. 

"It'll be 10 galleons please." The clerk said. 

Hadrian reaches into his pouch and passed her the money. He listened to the two sister bicker in Parseltongue as he enters his next destination, a clothing shop. 

1 and a half hours later Hadrian money pouch is much lighter, he bought many new outfits and a whole new collection of books. Nox and Lumos are chatting on his shoulders as he enters The WandMaker again. The moment he opens the door a beautiful wand is pushed into his hand. The wand is long and the silver handle is smooth with a detail of a snake wrapping around it. 

Hadrian nods in appreciation

"It costs 11 galleons," Anton says. 

Hadrian nods hands him the money and leaves the shop the wand in his pocket but not before casting a quick spell, a swish of his yew wand in an 'x' form and uttering, 

"obstrepat" (a glamour spell to disguise or change a person's look)

He conjures a mirror to inspect his new look, he looks the same as before but instead of the scar and grey eye, there are now two red eyes. 

As he steps back into Diagon Alley he is met with a stare-off off two very recognizable families. 

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