24. Oh alright, he'll be fine.

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Chapter twenty-four - Oh alright, he'll be fine.

Hadrian goes back to the burrow, almost get's hit in the face by a door. Hermione and Ron had a discussion about how to reveal to Harry that Dumbledore is a terrible person. Draco stitched Hadrian's wound when he was injured but Hadrian has to be very careful not to open the stitches. We still do not like Molly. 


Hermione cried happily and flung her arms around the boy's slim shoulders.

"We were worried mate," Ron said, taking Hermione's place, grasping Hadrian's shoulder and hugging him patting his back.

"Sorry, I got... lost..." Hadrian said slowly, hoping they wouldn't ask any more questions. Hermione glanced at Molly before gritting her teeth and looking back at Hadrian.

"Okay!" She said brightly, for a split-second Hadrian thought he saw Molly's eyes narrow when Hermione pulled Harry into another quick hug. However, before he could respond to the action he felt Hermione trace a lightning bolt on his back.

He immediately pulled back and nodded, "Molly, I'm feeling awfully tired, it took some time to get back, I would like to get some sleep. Where are Sayre and Isolt? No harm has come to them I'm sure." He said, wryly smiling at Molly's taught face.

"Of course, Harry- Um, Ronald will you get, Harry's sn- pets." Molly forced out. Ron glanced at Hermione who traced the bolt discreetly on his hand. Understanding he smiled at his mum and left the room, glancing back at Hadrian once.

"I'll bring you up," Hermione said, grabbing his arm and quickly pulling him up the rickety staircase leaving behind a grinning Fred and George and a bewildered Molly.

As soon as they were in the safety of Ron's room Harry watched as Hermione summoned a few pillows and a table of treats into the room. They came through the door and barely missed bumping into Ron's bed.

"When did you learn 'accio'?" Hadrian asked surprised, it was a pretty complicated spell, he had never attempted it but he had read a couple of books on spells during his months at the Manor. He had learnt many other more complicated spells. He supposed accio would also be useful to learn.

"Brightest Witch of my Age," Hermione said disdainfully flopping down onto on of the plush maroon cushions. Hadrian took the seat opposite from her, and lowered himself carefully, hoping not to break a stitch.

He let out a chuckle at Hermione's resentfulness, and Ron came bumbling in holding the snakes as far away from his face as he could. They were hissing loudly their heads swaying at their tails flicking all over.

"~Isolt, Sayre, how have you been?~" He asked in parseltongue, reaching his arms out for his snakes to curl over his arms.

"~Better if you were there, Master~" Isolt hissed out her eyes warily watching the red-head. She had a newfound hatred for red-heads.

"~We were alright Master, no mice for a while though.~" Sayre complained of her white body gliding over Hadrian's shoulder.

"~No mice?~" Hadrian hissed confused, the Burrow was crawling with them.

"~There was a rat, a delicious fat rat, but he smelled dirty.~" Isolt complained.

"~I'm glad you are back.~" Sayre continued before curling over his shoulder.

"Harry, are you alright?" Hermione asked, interrupting Hadrian's conversation with his snakes.

"Of course, why did you use the symbol?" He asked softly tracing the lightning bolt on the small table of cookies. The lightning bolt had been their thing, instead of outright asking each other to talk in private (when they were around other people) they would draw a lightning bolt on any part of their bodies. It was Hermione's idea. Way back in the start of the second year. When the warning about Sirius Black came.

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