26. Love is a curse.

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Chapter twenty-six - Love is a curse.

I was gonna do a summary but a lot happened but basically Ginny is probably being cursed, as how Luna explained it, to love Harry. So they're trying to figure out how she's being cursed. Also, Draco is totally too pretty and that's basically what happened. 


"Okay, but how are we gonna save Ginny? I don't even know what she has!" Hermione said, pushing her palms against her eyes.

"Hermione the walking History of Magic can't figure it out." Ron teased poking Hermione's bushy hair.

"Ron." Both Hadrian and Hermione warned at the same time.

"Oh geez, you sound like my mother." Ron groaned holding his hands up in surrender.

As if on cue they heard a knock on the door and the high-pitched nasal call of Molly Weasley to call through the door, "Boys, wake up!" "Speak of the devil and he doth appear." Hadrian muttered glaring lightly at the door. Ron looked at Hadrian and frantically pointed at his garb. Quickly Hadrian flicked his wrist and his appearance seemed to melt away, replaced with the scrawny figure of a boy in an oversized shirt and crooked glasses.

Mouth wide open Hermione and Ron stared at Harry's appearance, "That. Is incredible!" Hermione gushed. "How do you do that?"

"Um, I had my wand." Hadrian paused, "In my hand."

Hermione rolled her eyes, "Yes, I know Harry, can I still call you that?" at Hadrian's nod she continued, "Anyways, I've never seen a glamour so smoothly. I mean, how do you do that?"

"It's a latin glamour spell." Hadrian explained.

"Since when did you know latin?" Hermione asked, her brow raised.

"It's common language within va-" He froze, he hadn't told them about that did he? "Uh nothing, I just had a boring summer without my friends so I started learning. Considering I'm a parselmouth it wasn't very hard." He knew he was lying straight through his teeth but Ron seemed satisfied even though Hermione threw some calculative looks back at him as she pushed open the door.

"Harry! Come, breakfast love." Molly beckoned Harry forward. "You look like a skeleton, did you eat at all these past few days?" Molly jostled him forward pushing him towards the kitchen. Hermione rolled her eyes as Ron and she followed Molly.

As they walked down the stairs they were met with Ginny. She stood patiently, her pale hand resting on the worn banister, her index tapping the rhythm of a song. Now that Hadrian knew that she had been potioned he started to notice the faults in her perfect demeanour. Her face looked shallow, the bags under her eyes seemed darker especially now in the morning, her eyes that had once been so full of naive curiosity had been sullied to dark acceptance.Hadrian felt a twang of guilt sear through his stomach. However, he ignored it and locked it up in a tight box. He pushed past Ginny, albeit, gentler than he otherwise would've and strode to the dining table.

"Harry-" He heard Ginny softly say, her pale hand tiredly reaching to grasp his elbow.

He ignored her and shrugged her off. Regardless of the news he had been told, he did not appreciate the cold touch of her hand that sent warning signs to go 'guns ablaze' in his head.

"Sorry." He mumbled and almost slapped himself for it. Why had he said sorry. Stupid, stupid, stupid.

"It's- it's okay." She had said resolutely the uncomfort clear in her features. She looked confused, and nervous.

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