4. Redheads, you gotta love' em or hate 'em.

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Chapter 4 - Redheads, you either love' em or hate 'em. 

Hadrian stared in surprise at the two families before him. The sea of loud and obnoxious blood traitors and the trio of calm and sophisticated pure-bloods. They looked comical glaring at one another, the cool gaze of the Malfoys and the crimson-faced scowl of the Weasleys. The family that managed to keep a level head in every situation and the family who would burst the minute someone said 'blood-traitors'. 

Redheads, you either love 'em  


hate 'em. 

Fortunately, Hadrian chose the latter.

Hadrian chuckled. Loudly. Louder than he had intended, he quickly slammed his fist over his mouth the infinity-bag on his arm and the snakes curled around his body slowed down this process. Both families turned towards him in unison to see a handsome olive-skinned boy with red-eyes laughing. Hadrian quickly guised his face into a haughty scowl whilst on the inside he was brimming with contained laughter, he could just barely keep it together. 

"Weasels." He said snidely nodding at the Weasleys who looked quite affronted at being called that. He smirked and turned to the Malfoys. 

"Malfoys." He smirked sending on impulse a quick wink to the heir of the family before turning to make a quick getaway. Maybe he could floo to the Riddle manor from one of the shops in Knockturn Alley. 

"Wait, who in the name of Merlin do you think you are?" Molly asked. Hadrian slowly turned back and smiled sarcastically at the traitor in front of him. He inspected her and saw nothing but grimy and oddly sewn together dull clothes, a horrible hairdo and the rudest and nastiest face he had ever seen in his life. He looked over to her husband, same story as Molly but with a softer face. 

Their children, Ronald Weasely, a loud irritating chatterbox, oh how Hadrian wished he could place a silencio over him for eternity, loyal but he was all bark and no bite, better in Hufflepuff. Ginny Weasely, she stooped so low to a love-potion, what a disappointment. Fred and Goerge Weasely, pranksters but would stick with their family no matter what, shame really, they would've have been good Slytherins. Hermione Granger a smart know-it-all ready to break the rules if she knew better, those traits belonged in Ravenclaw. 

He then glanced over at the Malfoys. Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy his godparents, strict and foreboding, looked pretty cold and distant as if they really weren't there. As if this didn't bother them at all. Draco Malfoy though, his full attention was on Hadrian, the tip of his nose stained pink from the wink Hadrian had sent his way his silver eyes trained upon the boy and his facade slipping just slightly as he impatiently awaited Hadrian's answer. 

"Me? Well, I'm Hadrian. Hadrian Riddle. Such a pleasure to meet you." He said sarcastically missing the surprised look Draco had sent his way and Lucius and Narcissa snapping out of their daze immediately. 

"A Muggleborn?" Molly said rudely immediately looking disinterested, Hermione staring at her in shock. 

"Riddle?" Draco asked in disbelief. Hadrian cocked his brow.

"Malfoy?" he mockingly asked. 

"Wait-" Draco called out to him.

"I'm sorry, but I really have to go." Hadrian interrupted immediately knowing what he was going to ask. Only then did the two families notice the very obvious snakes curling his body.

Molly let out a strangles shriek, Arthur and his sons a short cry, Hermione a noise and the Malfoys a gasp. His snakes reared up from his body their tongues flicking out of their mouths as they hissed angrily at them, 

~ stupid redheads~

~ thinking they are better than everyone else~

~ let me attack them master ~

~ me too ~

They hissed at the Weasley family as the group whimpered in fear. 

~ shhhh little one, you are scaring friends ~

Hadrian hissed back. 

~ them your friends likely ~

Isolt hissed sarcastically. 

~ some ~

Hadrian responded.

He looked up to notice the families staring at him. Faces of fear and shock were what they wore. Draco opened his mouth to say something but Hadrian did not want to hear it.

He spun around leaving a stunned family of Malfoys behind, actually losing their facade for the first time in public and an angry group of redheads behind. 

He slipped into Borgin and Burkes where he strode into the Dark Antique shop where Mr Borgin was standing at the cash register and Mr Burkes was righting all of the artefacts littering the shop.   

"How may we help you?" Mr Borgin drawled using his gift to notice the type of magic persons possess as Hadrian walked into his shop and was pleased to see the Dark magic the young wizard possessed. 

"I would like to use your floo," Hadrian announced without first asking if it was connected to the floo network in the first place. 

"The floo can only be used by employees sir." Mr Burkes responded for he did not have the same power and partner to notice the power in the boy and thought he was merely a snobbish child. 

Hadrian raised his brow and sternly looked at Mr Burkes his hand slowly inching towards his wand suggestively. 

"What he means, is o-of course you can u-use it, s-sir." Mr Borgin hurried to reply gulping. The partners breathed a sigh of relief when Hadrian moved his hand away from his wand and moved it up to Nox and stroked her head. 

"Hmm." He murmured walking towards the fireplace. He took a handful of floopowder and was getting ready to throw it into the fire when he grasped his wand in his free hand and spun around facing the terrified men.

"And this is for your incompetence and tardiness." He raised his wand

"secare" He said casting the spell. (This spell is similar to Sectum Sempra but it casts invisible deep cuts along the person's body, it continues cutting until the person almost passes out from the pain before all the cuts disappear and the pain stops immediately.)

He stepped into the floo listening in bliss to the loud screams coming from the men's mouths. He shouted, 'Riddle Manor' before disappearing from view.

The two families had frozen after Hadrian had left. Moments later they heard screams coming from Knockturn. The mighty Gryffindors not even daring to see what had happened scurried away but the trio of Slytherins stalked into the alley and followed the screams to Borgin and Burkes. They curiously stepped inside to see the two men writhing on the ground and wisps of smoke coming from the fireplace where the floo had just been used. Lucius and Narcissa tried to aid the two men but nothing worked. When the pain stopped and the two men sat up gasping in pain clutching their body they choked out, 

"Beware for the heir has returned."

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