29. Home sweet home.

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Chapter twenty-nine - Home sweet home.

Ginny has been saved from the love curse she was placed under, however they all still need to be very careful of what she consumes. Molly is a conniving bitch. Pansy and Blaise illegally flew through Diagon Alley on a broom stick. Hadrian drank a stag dry. Draco and Hadrian have a budding friendship and Ron is just there. 


When Hadrian awoke to the frantic patter of feet running past his doors and the high pitched shrill sound of Molly Weasley's voice as she called them to breakfast he knew it was the first of September. Of course, he had known the night before but only now that he was stumbling out of bed and rubbing the sleep from his eyes did it fully sink in. He was going to Hogwarts today, not as Harry Potter, but as Hadrian Tom Riddle disguised as Harry Potter. Neither option seemed that great however, Hadrian still felt excitement thrum through his veins. Hogwarts had always been home to him, regardless of hook nosed Snape and manipulative Dumbledore, it has always been a safe haven for him. Of course, also ignoring the multiple mishaps over the years, attacks some would say at the end of the year. Hadrian now just thinks of them as less than polite visits. Just a quick painful check-up.

He walked to the kitchen switching Ginny's food with his while Molly's back turned, the food disappeared with a flick of Hermione's wand and a soft vanishing spell. Ginny always muttered a thank you before she ate, often offering to just not eat however Hadrian refused every time. He didn't need to eat, it was just something he did for the taste every now and then. He would miss the taste of Treacle Tarts, Fairy Hair (Candyfloss) and how could he live without the taste of Chocolate Frogs? He almost watered at the mouth at the thought. He would buy some when he was on the train. He would share them with Ron like every year and now that Ginny is mended they could do it without her drooling at the very sight of him.

With this thought they were bustled out the door and after a strenuous car ride in which they were all squeezed into different black cars, of course provided by the ministry, like the year before. Frustrated, he slammed the door closed when he stepped out of the car.

"What's got your knickers in a twist?" Ron asked, nudging his shoulder, Hadrian sighed and shrugged. He could feel the cool bodies of Isolt and Sayre curling around his body underneath the worn coat that Molly had forced him into. They had insisted on travelling with him, they were far too large now but Hadrian complied. His coat looked oddly lumpy but since the station was fairly crowded people paid him no mind.

"Life." Hermione cut in slinging her bag over her shoulder as Ron pushed a trolley with all of their trunks on it. Scabbers lay huddled in his coat pocket and Crookshanks sat proudly atop the trunks, glaring at Ron's pocket.

"Truer words have never been spoken." A tired looking Ginny pushed her trolley next to them, it looked fairly empty with just one truck and with just a nod from Hermione she flung herself onto the carriage and Hermione and her barrelled through the wall, Ginny squealing the entire way, her high pitched noises punctuated by Hermione's laugh.

"Girls." Ron sighed, shaking his head through badly concealed laughter.

Hadrian and him ran through the barrier next to each other, trying to shove each other out the way as they went. When they burst through the barrier Hadrian couldn't help but start grinning widely. He knew he wouldn't be caught dead smiling so widely as Hadrian, but for now in the weak feeble body of Harry Potter he could act stupid and dumb for a few moments.

His revelation was cut short when he caught the confused eye of one Draco Malfoy. Standing by his father at the end of the platform, his mother with a gentle hand at his shoulder. He grinned towards Draco and winked, still confused Draco nodded regardless. Hadrian cast a quick look at Ron who immediately understood, weird best friend perks. Harry Potter snuck behind a pillar and from it came Hadrian Riddle, a smirk on his face and eyes as red as blood.

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