32. Magic blood in the English Thesaurus.

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Just before you read this chapter I wanted to say- 

Thank you so much to having joined me on this journey for the past year, I have 20,000 reads on my book and I can't even express how overjoyed and excited I was when I saw that I had reached such a high number. I could never have imagined my book being able to reach such high numbers. I'm just so thankful. It really means so much to me. 


chapter thirty - two :  magic blood in the english thesaurus 

Hadrian Riddle is sorted into SLYTHERIN, a new defence against the dark arts professor is revealed. Hadrian's dad, is the feared Voldemort and Draco Malfoy is an innocent puppet in a cruel game. Hermione and Ron still look over their shoulder every second and Ginny Weasley only thinks she is free. Dumbledore is an absolute arsehole. 


The Slytherin table was quiet after Dumbledore called for the meals to start. Hadrian noted that the dishes on the Slytherin table seemed different to the ones on the Gryffindor table. The dishes seemed more posh, carefully placed and decorated onto the plates. He missed the Gryffindor table rowdiness, and the large and heaping portions however the quiet murmurs of the Slytherin table were more calming to him. There was barely any conversation exchanged between him and Draco, let alone the rest of the table.

However, just before they could finish their meal Dumbledore interrupted once again, pushing his half-moon spectacles up his nose and clearing his throat,

"Before you all complete your meals and head to your dorms, I have some news. (the hall quietened) For years, this practice has laid rest but after the years of dormance The Wizarding School Hogwarts for Witches and Wizards is going to host the Triwizard Tournament!" He proudly proclaimed his arms raised. Confused murmuring erupted into the halls, and Hadrian froze stiffly, he had read about this tournament in the Riddle Library. Many students have died trying to win. He looked over at Draco who looked quite panicked, he had clearly also heard about this foreboding tournament.

"In a few months time the great schools of Beauxbatons and Durmstrang will join us for this tournament. Please treat them with the hospitality they deserve. You will receive more information from the Heads of your Houses, if you have questions don't hesitate to ask them."

As quickly as the hall had been silenced the students' volume rose a tenfold as they excitedly asked questions. Hadrian frustradely stabbed his steak as he thought about the implications of this tournament. Something terrible was bound to happen. He could feel it.

Once the dishes had disappeared and the goblets had emptied they filed quietly out of the room, following the prefects of the year silently towards the dungeons whilst the rest of the disorderly houses branched off to their towers and halls. As they descended the stairs Hadrian felt as if he had been plunged underwater, when he had first snuck into the Slytherin common rooms he had been in such a rush he never thought of the creepy feeling.

Draco whispered, "We're under the lake now,"

Hadrian nodded but didn't respond even though he could tell that Draco had wanted to start a conversation. He didn't feel inclined to talk. He thought too much. The upcoming tournament had entirely tilted the barely balanced scale of what he thought his year at Hogwarts would be like and he was not happy. Though it was expected since every year had been hellish for him some foolish thought had planted itself firmly into his young brain that this year would be different compared to every single other year.

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