17. Help ... call ... band.

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Chapter Seventeen - Help ... call ... band.

"Harry!" Hermione cried out hysterically as she and Ron ran towards the forest. Hadrian scowled as he glamoured himself and slipped into the shadows a few meters in front of Hermione.

"Herms, Ron," He said, Hermione threw himself into his arms, hugging him tightly, "I was looking for you."

"We have to go, Deathea-" Ron said,

"I know," Hadrian said, somberly, "Let's go."

They ran looking for Arthur Weasely and the rest of the Weasely Clan. Hadrian glanced to the sky to see the leering the skull, smiling to himself as a lightning bolted snake slithered in and out of the eye socket and mouth curling around the warning skull.

Hermione grabbed his arm and pulled him after her and Ron as they desperately ran through the forest. Groaning Hadrian stumbled after her quickly bounding over every step. He suddenly skidded to a stop, the ashen taste was back in his mouth. It couldn't have chosen a worse time.

"Harry?" Hermione asked,

"Got to go, I'll be right back." He said mumbling as he stumbled off following the faint scent of a male hare skipping through the forest.

He sped up and chased after the animal, because of Hadrian's desperation the hare had sensed the predator after him and was trying to find a way out of this situation. However he had underestimated his killer for the moment he tried to skid away into the forest Hadrian had cast a spell,

"Petrificus totalus." He whispered, gently flicking his wand. The hare dropped to the ground mid-jump, it's body frozen in an odd position. Hadrian lunged and went straight for the neck, the blood spurting out in pumps since he had hit the jugular.

After sucking the poor animal dry he set out to find something bigger, that could possibly quench his thirst for longer. He wondered, what if accio worked on animals. He tried it on a small bird first and when it soared towards him and hit him in the face he decided maybe it would work on bigger animals. He drank the bird as a light snack as he prepared himself for the energy drain it might be to summon a deer.

"Accio deer." Hadrian realized he should've specified it to one doe because a herd was startling towards him and his energy had definitely snapped out of him like a light switched off. Groaning he jumped up and grabbed onto the tree branch hanging over him. Pulling himself up he watched as the herd came to a stop in the spot he had just been standing. He picked a doe with a mangled leg, it looked as if she were in recent pain so Hadrian assumed she had hurt herself whilst Hadrians accio had been working.

He flipped over to land by the doe and gently coaxing her he led her away to a small stream. He was too tired to cast a spell so he would just have to wash off in the stream after his meal. Biting his lip he walked towards the kind doe, almost regretfully he snapped her neck and bit into it. The herd had long since scampered away, recognizing Hadrian as predator whilst the doe hadn't.

He drank his full the blood coating his face and neck, some dipping into his collar. After the doe dropped to the ground bloodless he gently split her open, leaving her for any creatures who wanted the meat. Maybe the thestrals would like it. Of course, they preferred raw blood-filled meat but they wouldn't mind this flesh.

Diving into the stream he kept his head half underwater as he gently washed off the sweat, grime and blood from his face, hair and neck. Deciding his shirt was a goner he ripped the top off, which was drenched in blood and trapped the cloth under the rocks by the side of the lake.

After floating in the water for a while he swam to the side, he had followed the flow for a while and had no clue where he now was except for the fact that there was a waterfall coming up. Damn.

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