28. Bring it on Fauna.

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Chapter twenty-eight - Bring it on Fauna.

Hadrian, Hermione, Ron figured out that Molly's been poisoning Ginny's food and Hadrian's totally gone for Draco though he doesn't realise it yet. Pansy and Blaise both have issues with their parents and often visit Draco because of that. Hadrian really doesn't like Molly anymore. Also, Hadrians a vampire lol.


After visiting Gringotts, where Molly had stared wistfully after Hadrian when he stepped out of the carriage towards the Potter Vault, they were with no surprise dragged to Madam Malkin's. Hadrian had wanted to visit the Riddle and Lestrange Vault however obviously with the Weasleys being there it was impossible. Diagon Alley was bustling with people, young first years rushing around dragging their parents behind them, pointing at every window they saw even if they had already seen it before. Wizards and witches trying to squeeze through the throng to get the newest copy of whatever charm or potion book that had just been printed. Older students who held the Hogwarts lists up to the air trying to understand how in the name of Merlin they were supposed to lug both the arithmancy and muggle history books in their trunks. Both were as thick as a thirty quill bundle.

Hadrian stayed behind as Molly dragged the clan around the store pointing at dress robes. Hadrian didn't understand why they could possibly need dress robes but he ignored it, plus, Molly's yammering was doing nothing to his impending headache and he hadn't fed in a while. Breakfast had already started to taste grainy.

Ron snuck up behind him and shoved a bright pink frilly dress robe in his face. It was utterly horrendous, the sleeves were sequined with pearly plastic gems, the decorated lace looked cheap and like something your grandmother would've worn, and the fabric itself, god, it looked filthy. It was a mottled shiny pink dress coat. Utterly disgusting.

"It would suit you." Ron laughed holding the hanger up to Hadrian body, Hermione walked up with her brow raised,

"Interesting choice Harry, really." She was wearing a light pink dress, it hugged her body and flowed out around her waist. Layering till her ankles, you could see the tips of her trainers poking out the bottom.

"Says the one also wearing pink." Hadrian laughed, shoving Ron away from him.

"This is a nice dress right?" Hermione said, doing a small twirl. Ron grinned widely and shoved his hand into his pocket, retrieving his wand,

"Yes, but, why not blue?" He said, pointing his wand at her. Hadrian laughed while Hermione snorted.

"Are you seriously gonna do this now Merryweather?" Hermione challenged pointing her wand at him.

"Bring it on Fauna."

Hadrian rolled his eyes and left the pair standing there. He ran his hands past the racks of dress coats. Hidden at the end of the rack he spied a black fabric. Curious he pulled it from the rack, and fingered the soft fabric. It was a black coat, if he were to wear it it would brush his calves, the design was simple enough, chains stretched from the front of the sleeve and looped to the back of the shoulder, like an armband around the sleeve. The slit in the back was also adorned with a simple silver chain connecting the cut parts. However, the random chains weren't what drew his eyes to the outfit, it was the elegant shawl lapel that caught his attention. Carefully stitched into the lapel was a snake, it seemed to wrap around the neck and back down. The snake was silver, with bright ruby eyes, the sleeves were also stitched with the same patterns however, bar the ruby eyes. Grinning he pulled it from the rack and carried it over to the group.

Ron and Hermione seemed to be done, however Ron carried an extremely dejected look. Hermione was carrying a dress bag and no matter how Hadrian pestered her she would not reveal what she had ended up buying. Both of them had marveled at his choice and supported him buying it.

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