35. fire hazard in a hunk of magic metal

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A few days ago I woke to the tragic news that Helene McCrory had passed due to cancer. We lost an incredible woman, an incredible actress and the perfect mother to us all. 

" She died as she lived. Fearlessly " 

Missed but never forgotten

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Missed but never forgotten. 

chapter thirty - five : fire hazard in a hunk of magic metal


The Beauxbatons and Durmstrang students had arrived at the school, Hadrian is lowkey into Draco, everything is a disaster, Blaise and Pansy are our favourite characters, I wrote this while listening to 'Brother' by Kodaline on repeat, please do not kill me for the late chapter, kind of a filler chapter, nothing much happens, but its cute, Hadrian is still a vampire, I haven't forgotten that anyways. 

Silence infringes upon the Great Hall. It had been two days since the Beauxbatons and Durmstrang had arrived. Two days of discovering that everything that every premonition about either school he had previously known was incorrect, just like Hogwarts they were wizarding schools, normal wizard schools. Filled with magic and curiousity.

Dumbledore had gathered them all, beginning once again with one of his long tedious speeches, "Dear students of Hogwarts, Durmstrang and Beauxbatons! As you all know, the foreign students are here from their homes to partake in the Triwizard Tournament, a tournament that-"

Dumbledore continued rambling even though the entire Great Hall had stopped listening. Hermione even had her Charms textbook open on her lap and was moving a pencil around under the table, mimicking the flick and swish of wands. Hadrian scanned the Great Hall impartially. The Beauxbatons were close together but spread between Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw tables. Hadrian caught sight of the boy who had jumped out of the carriage to unfold the steps for Madame Maxime. Pale skin, silver hair and eyes as blue as a spring sky ( cerulean ). He forced himself to look away, but not before blue eyes met his hot red ones, Hadrian blanched while the boy smirked. The Durmstrang students were more scattered, most sat at Slytherin but he could tell a few sat as close to the Gryffindor students at their table as possible, doing their best to torment them with dark glances and heinous smiles. Viktor and Aiaia sat next to Draco's left, Draco sat beside Hadrian, Pansy and Blaise sat in front of Hadrian and Draco. 

Blaise and she were vandalising the historical grand Slytherin table, they doodled childish ' FUCK 's and penises into the ancient wood with the unused tip of their unused new quills. They stifled their giggles the best they could, showing their sweaters into their mouths.

"Children," Draco muttered to Hadrian, feigning disappointment.

"Aren't they?" Hadrian said, a devious glint in his eyes. Draco smiled widely, dropping his chin onto his hand. Pale skin, silver hair and eyes shining like pearls hidden in the maw of an oyster.

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