7. It practically reeks of Love Potion.

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Chapter 7 - It practically reeks of Love Potion.

Hadrian heard the soft swoosh as a letter glided through the window and onto the small coffee table stacked with an assortment of books in front of him. He had fallen asleep in the hidden room of the Riddle Library. Isolt and Sayre had lain comfortably intertwined in front of the small hearth in the small library. He was lying uncomfortable curled up on the stiff high-backed chair, he looked longingly at the easy, saggy chair on the other side of the room but decided against it. He was the son of the Dark Lord. He was the heir. He wouldn't sit in a common chair.

He sighed and picked up the grimy letter with the Weasley seal upon the envelope. He groaned softly. He knew exactly what was in that letter, he stood up from his chair and headed towards the main library.

He picked up the letter opener and sliced away at the seal (how do you open letters?) and pulled out the folded pieces of parchment inside. The first one was from Ron,

Hadrian rolled his eyes at that letter, it would be a laugh to reveal who he was, Ron would have the shock of his life

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Hadrian rolled his eyes at that letter, it would be a laugh to reveal who he was, Ron would have the shock of his life. The Quidditch Cup huh? That would be amazing to go to. But it was obvious how Arthur got his tickets, stolen from the Potter Vault. Hadrian hissed softly and flung the letter to the side, it landed on the floor. He pulled the next piece of parchment from the envelope. This one was from Hermione.

 This one was from Hermione

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Hadrian sighed. God, he still wasn't sure whether or not he should trust Hermione or Ron, they had been his friends from the start but it was kind of odd that they were all in the same house since they should all be in different ones. And the fact that they were always somehow with him. 


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