36. act i: draco the bouncing ferret

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chapter thirty - six : act i: draco the bouncing ferret 

recap :

Mad-Eye Moody is the new DADA professor at Hogwarts, Draco and Hadrian are friends, Hadrian is a possessive, protective bastard, Pansy and Blaise are just there to have fun. 

They were fooling around, honestly, pushing each other and laughing loud enough for echoes to reverberate through the courtyard. Blaise and Theo were going over the Charms homework, testing each other and practising small spells and often would look up at the pair, shaking their heads in disappointment before turning back to the books.

Maybe Hadrian had shoved Draco a bit too hard but he would, later on, insist that Draco was just a weak person in the first place. One moment they were densely shoving each other and the next Draco had knocked over a first-year who had been scrambling out of the courtyard clutching her essay to her chest and a quill tucked behind her ear.

"Oh Merlin, I- uh, I am so sorry," Draco stumbled over his words, rushing to help the first year up.

"Ugh, oh it's uh," The first year paused gathering herself, " it's okay really. I'm not hurt-"

A jet of light cut through the chilly air and the first year screamed, Hadrian, pushed himself off of the tree and rushed forward, eyes darting around.

Draco was gone.

"What the fuck?!" He shouted frantically looking around, trying to find the perpetrator. Blaise and Theo stood dropping their textbooks to the stone floor.

A maniacal laugh sounded from the courtyard entrance. Hadrian's face swung to look at the wizard it came from. Mad-Eye Moody. He was twirling his wand lazily between his fingers and a white ferret bounced in mid-air before him.

Hadrian connected the dots and lunged forward pulling his wand from his back pocket.

"Stupefy!" He shouted and a jolt of red light scattered through the air and hit Moody right in the chest. Moody fell backwards and the imperious he had on the ferret stopped whilst the ferret was mid-air. It fell to the ground and a sickening crack was heard.

"Draco!" Hadrian exclaimed, having moved forward from the moment he cast 'stupefy'. The ferret wasn't moving and Hadrian picked it up gently holding the unconscious white ferret to his chest, cradling it in his hands.

"Is that... Draco?" Blaise asked carefully looking down at the ferret.

"Yes." Hadrian snarled out already briskly standing, Blaise cast Theo an apologetic look who just shrugged and moved to follow them.

"What in the name of Merlin is going on here!" a shrill voice cried out and McGonnagal strode forward a hard look on her face.

Mad-Eye Moody was an ex-Auror after all and had been gradually waking up, he pulled himself up from the ground when McGonnagal drew close.

"Mr Riddle, Mr Zabini, Mr Nott explain yourselves," She said sharply.

"Professor Moody transfigured and imperioed Draco into a ferret, so uh, Hadrian stupefied him," Blaise explained after a thick pause where it became clear that Hadrian was too angry to talk.

McGonagall seemed to stall for a moment, her gaze whipping between Moody and the three boys with the ferret.

"Alastair, what gave you the impression that you could perform a transfiguration spell on a student let alone an unforgivable?" It was obviously a rhetorical jab but Moody answered.

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