21. They'll wish they never crossed us.

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Chapter twenty-one - They'll wish they never crossed us. 

Draco and Hadrian find themselves in the Riddle manor where Draco fixes up what Rowan missed from the tree-stabbing incident. People still think that Harry Potter is actually the-boy-who-lived not Hadrian Tom Riddle, who he actually is. Hermione and Ron are being used by Dumbledore, and are really worried about their families lives. Hadrian is unaware to this. Draco is very narcissistic. 


He took a step into the darkness, gently gliding his course hands past the spines of the thick old books. They had all been miraculously preserved over the years they had spent crumbling in the gigantic library.

"Are you sure?" Draco asked, "You don't have to go! You can stay here, with me, I mean, with my family." he argued.

"WIth the Malfoys? Please, don't try to trick me into meeting my mother." Hadrian quickly caught on to what Draco was attempting to do.

"I'm not!" Draco laughed in Hadrian's face, "Why would you stay with those... people, you know that the Malfoys have the best accommodations for you." Draco said, raising his thin brow.

"Even so, you do know that those 'people' you spitefully call, they still believe me to be Harry Potter, the-boy-who-lived and-"

Draco interrupted him quickly, "The boy who lived, the boy who can't seem to die, the boy who can't get a fvcking break more like." He grumbled as he walked over to Hadrian. He watched quietly as Hadrian simmered at being interrupted,

"You don't interrupt me, understood?" Hadrian growled.

"And you aren't my father," Draco said under his breath.

"Yeah, I don't carry a cane around, hitting house-elves. At least, I'm not your top fear." Hadrian said immediately regretting it.

"Father is not my top fear!" Draco laughed. "I'm a legimens, like my mother."

"What has that got to do with anything?" Hadrian rolled his eyes.

"It means, I can mask my true feelings well, the boggart attempted to mess with my brain, I simply outsmarted him by pretending. I falsified terrible memories of my father's actions against me and the boggart believed them to be true. It's one of my incredible feats, I'm quite proud of my abilities. I mean, at my age already mastering this. I'm so-"

"Shut up Draco, I get it." Hadrian chuckled, Draco had always been so egoistic, like his mother he supposed. When he visited Diagon Alley he often would find Narcissa examining her features in the glass panes or sneaking a glance at a small pocket mirror, always smiling proudly at her looks.

Draco scoffed loudly at the interruption.

"I will be going back to the Burrow, and you will be going to wherever you plan on going. The Malfoy manor I presume, I will see you back at school. After all, it's only a few days till September now. You will see me soon. Though it will be in interesting circumstances I'm sure." Hadrian explained.

"You must rest at least one night. You don't want to rip your stitches apparating or travelling." Draco said picking a book up from the armchair that Hadrian had carelessly thrown it onto. Hadrian paused, thinking for a moment before agreeing.

"Fine, one night only, then I'll go." Hadrian said, "First dinner. I'm starved."

They walked side by side, towards the kitchen. They would've dined in the dining room but it was far too big for just the two of them. Especially since it was slightly creepy to eat at a table best suited for a good 30 people, Tom Riddle had held dinner parties for his inner circle often. As well as with some Aurors to have some fun at the end. The result had unfortunately been issues such as the Longbottom couple.

Hadrian felt bad for that one, he had met Neville's mother once, and she looked absolutely cynical. Just because he was the Dark Lords son he didn't always agree with his actions. He supposed the years with Hermione and Ron had influenced him, he did have a heart.

It had been cruel of his father to go after that couple, even if they had deserved it. They had a son, who would grow up with no one. Maybe that was why he sympathised with Neville, for both of their parents were alive yet they didn't really get raised by them.

They walked into the kitchen to be met with elves scurrying around, carrying pots and pans, all cheerful to be finally making a meal for their master and a guest.

"Hermione would have a fit here," Hadrian mumbled smiling at all the elves happily cooking for him.

"She'd be fine," Draco bit out.

Hadrian laughed loudly, shaking his head, "You don't know her at all-"

A plate was shoved in his face, carried on a tray by an elf wearing nothing but a clean tablecloth decorated with buttons and pins.

"Serve is dinner." The elf squeaked out, her voice nasally and broken. Hadrian smiled and accepted the plate from her sitting down at the kitchen table gesturing for Draco to follow him.

"Dinner is served." He said, and they ate.

After a fulfilling dinner of only the best that the elves could serve, Hadrian thanked them and climbed up the stairs, looking for a room he knew was his.

"What are you looking for?" Draco asked, even though he had a suspicion.

"The room where it happened," Hadrian said softly his eyes running over the creaky wooden doors, the old planks under his feet with screeched with every step.

"Let me show you." Draco mumbled, taking Hadrian's hand in his and pulled him to a tapestry, "They hid it, but it was still found."

Hadrian bit his lip as Draco pulled the tapestry to the side. And a door revealed itself.

He walked forward and pushed the worn door open, and gasped softly at the room.

It had never been fixed up. It looked a mess, broken wood everywhere, shattered glass and in the middle lay a blanket, it had once been bright blue but now looked a ratty faded colour, the edges in tatters. It was dotted with blood, his blood.

Hadrian choked a sob as he looked around the room, he remembered none of this. Just a bright curse that shook through the room and tortured his brain. Ripping at the seams, tearing at every thread of sanity. Snapping through it as if it meant nothing.

"Come on, there are other rooms, let's go," Draco said, gently touching Hadrians shoulder. He still flinched at the contact shivering immediately afterwards. Draco stilled, and quietly watched Hadrian from the doorway, he unlike Hadrian had no memories of this tortured place regardless that they had both lain here in quiet sleep when it happened. He wished he did so that he could calm the broken boy before him. All he recollects is screaming of a mother losing a son, and the shattering of the soul of a man who couldn't save his own child.

"Draco Lucius Malfoy..." Harry mumbled after a few moments of silence. "Let's give them hell."

Hadrian spun and pointed his finger in Draco's face.

"Lets... give... them... hell..." He repeats slowly as if Draco hadn't understood him the first time.

"They'll wish they never crossed us," Draco said, his trademark smirk spreading across his face. 


So, I wrote this on a site called Fighter's Block! to like, continuously write without stopping and it worked. I wrote this in 30 minutes lol, it might be a little shitty because of that. If so, I'm sorry!!

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