9. Oh, I forgot about you.

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Chapter Nine - Oh, I forgot about you.

As the kid distracted Hadrian, Dumbledore was in a heated discussion with the Weasley parents. 

"What have you done?" Dumbledore uttered. 

"I-i'm sorry! We didn't realize he would be coming so soon!" Molly responded, stuttering. At that moment a black owl swooped in through the window, holding Hadrian's letter, Hadrian laughed out, 

"Oh look, that was the letter I sent to tell you guys I was coming." He took it out of the bird's beak and crumpled it and put it in his pocket. "Oh, well." he continued, placing his attention back on Ginny who was in front of him, 

Dumbledore sent a sharp glance to Mr and Mrs Weasley who cowered under his glare. 

"Hi, love!" Ginny said, smiling up at Hadrian. 

"Hullo Gin," Hadrian responded scratching the back of his head as he inconspicuously leaned away from her touch. Ginny leaned up and kissed Hadrian, their teeth clashing and her tongue awkwardly sticking into his mouth. Hadrian pushed himself away from her end wiped his mouth on his hand. Ginny and the clan luckily didn't catch it. 

He felt Isolt and Sayre slide up his body, their heads curiously peeking up from the shirt. 

"Aah!" Ginny screamed backing away, (she had a phobia of snakes ever since she heard what went down in the Chamber of Secrets while she was unconscious) 

"Gah!" Hermione shouted out, looking creeped out by the pair of snakes, they hissed at her disrespect and slithered out of Hadrian's shirt sliding around his shoulders and arms. 

"Harry, mate, what are those?" Ron asked,

"Snakes, Ron," Hadrian responded. 

"I can see that." Ron continued. 

"Where did you," Gred ask, 

"Get those snakes?" Forge continues, the twins face displaying barely concealed disgust. 

"Er, I-" Hadrian said, about to continue when Mrs Weasley cut in,

"Harry! They are beautiful." She said, stuttering slightly, she backed away from the snakes though, contradicting her statement. 

Dumbledore glared at the group from behind Hadrian's back, who nervously nodded,  

"Um, they're gorgeous." Hermione gulped out. 

"Totally, can you speak to them in Parseltongue?" Ron asked holding his hand at the Hermiones lower back, also taking a step back. 

"Yes! Their names are Isolt and Sayre." Hadrian responded feigning a grin at Ron who satisfactorily smiled back.  

"Those are lovely names," Dumbledore said placing his hand on Hadrian's shoulder, he immediately stiffened, Isolt noticed this and lunges forward biting the old wizard's hand. 

"OW!" He shouted springing backwards, his cloak swung straight into the fire and suddenly Dumbledore was aflame. 

"AARRGGGHHH!" He squealed and started batting his cloak in an attempt to set the fire out. Hermione raised her wand and shouted, 


A small waterfall spilled from her wand drenching Dumbledore from head to toe. Angrily Dumbledore stood in the middle of the Weasley living room soaked and looking like a drowned rat. He huffed and cast a quick cleaning spell. Sending Hermione a glare he righted himself,

"That snake is dangerous Harry. I would prefer it if you let go of him." Dumbledore said pointing accusingly at Isolt. Hadrian sent Dumbledore a harsh look, 

"She, you buffoon." 

"What did y-"

"I'm tired." Hadrian said turning and marching away from the room, secretly allowing Sayre and Isolt slip from his hands and unto the floor where they slithered under the couch. 

'listen' he whispered. 

They bopped their head and curled together under the sagging sofa and sat waiting. 

Hadrian glided up the stairs, once he reached the seclusion of Rons room he locked the doors and removed the glamour off of himself. Falling backwards onto his bed he let out a large sigh. 

'I might as well go back to the Manor.' 

He apparated back to the library where he was met with the head houself, 

"Master, " He bowed lightly. 

"Hello. Please, call me Hadrian." 

"Yes, Master Hadrian." 

Hadrian sighed as he walked through the large house. It felt strangely empty, and lonely, a feeling Hadrian didn't like, at all. He trailed his hand on the wall, the old paint chipping under his nail. 

Swishing his wand he removed the glamour and returned to his real body. Tall and lean, blind in an eye. Groaning softly he rubbed his dead eye. He hated Dumbledore. With every single fibre of his being. A letter suddenly smacked his face, sending him stumbling back, 

"What in the name of merlin-?" He asks as he peels the crumpled letter off of his face. Hedwig hoots above him, 

"Oh, I forgot about you." Affronted Hedwig chirped and flew to the rafters of the manor, "I'm sor-, nevermind." He opened the letter to find his cousins neat handwriting. 


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