19. Bye Bloodbath

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Chapter Nineteen - Bye Bloodbath

It was light, like that blinding white that hurts your eyes when you look at it too long (I had this thing today with this yellow bulb, I swear, I couldn't see for like two minutes, *cough* anyways, on with the story-) and leaves glimmering spots in your vision. After a moment the room seemed to shift and change into a smooth floor. There stood a man, shrouded in a black cloak, his skin a pale white and his eyes glowing red as they glared down at the figure before him. It was a boy, tears streamed down his face, his glasses had been knocked off as the pale figure pointed his wand down to the boy, pressing it to his forehead, exactly where the scar was. The dreaded curse slipped past his lips in a soft whisper.

He was falling.




Hadrian jolted up clutching his chest, he could feel his heartbeat erratically against his ribcage. He breathed heavily, 'I'm not falling, not falling, not falling-' he mentally assured himself. He exhaled softly before angrily glaring at his lap, it had been years, he still couldn't get over the bite of fear the 'killing curse' caused in his body. The spell hadn't even been aimed at him, it had been meant to protect him.

Why was he so damn weak?

Shakily he slipped his hands through the curly mop of dark hair atop his head. He looked around, only to see nothing but dark bark, rough and course stretching up over his head. Dizzy from his dream he refused to look farther, and it suddenly shot through him. That stupid tree and it's bloody branch. He looked down and realized that he had lost his shirt, that was where the chill spread through his body. The thick woollen blanket pooled around his body and he pulled it up over his shoulders as he inspected his wounds. His chest was bandaged tightly yet he could still feel the sharp tang of pain every now and then when he moved. Shivering, he pulled the blanket closer around him, where the hell was he?

He once again glanced around, this time he could pick up more features than just bark walls. He was laying on a beige sheep coat that covered stacks of hay that were nestled into a bed frame made from neatly carved wood. Beside him was a long table, covered in herbs and potions, notes were scribbled on loose leaflets that lay thrown lazily around the room. There were no windows yet it felt light and airy within the room. He wondered where the lights came from.

Curiously he looked up and he realized the soft glow that encased the room were hundreds and hundreds of fireflies that flew around the ceiling, their bulbs shining brightly. Hadrian grinned and reached his hand up, one of them flew down and landed on his finger and buzzed quietly before allowing it to float back up.

"Admiring my lovelies?" He heard a croaky voice come from behind him, swiftly he spun back forward to come to face a woman, she stood tall and refined as she held a picnic basket covered with a red and white checkered cloth close to her and her red coat lined with dark fur gently grazed the ground (not Red Riding Hood but based off of her). Around her waist was a belt with weapons slipped into every hook. Hadrian didn't say anything and stared as politely as he could at the strange woman before him. She rolled her eyes and gently placed the basket on the table, and walked to Hadrian, she produced his wand from her pocket and held it out before her,

"This is yours right, a wizard huh?" She said curiously when Hadrian narrowed his eyes and snatched his wand from her, wincing at the sudden movement. She cringed when she looked down at his bandages.

"Ah, you met my dear Ent (a little Lord of the Rings for y'all) friend, he says he apologizes, he mistook you for a hunter or something." The lady said as she shrugged her coat off revealing a white blouse tucked into tight black pants and black heeled boots with small silver buckles. She seemed to be in thought for a moment,

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