13. I mean I am ending her suffering.

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Chapter Thirteen - I mean I am ending her suffering.

Faces splattered with spilt blood as red eyes glared in his direction. The shadowy figures bared their teeth as he walked closer. He held his arm out, as if to signify, I mean no harm. However it didn't matter for the leapt forward shielding their meal from the curious vampire. Their hands were coated in thick red blood, their fingernails long and sharp, and as he came closer to the pair their nails dragged along his arms ripping his clothes in half and cutting into his skin. The shadows glanced down to the body, laying dead behind them. He followed their gaze to see a young man, his platinum hair lay strewn across the floor, his arms splayed and his eyes glassy as he looked up, dead. His chest had been ripped open blood pumping out steadily, following the beat of what had once been his heart. It ran rivers of red following the gaps between the cobble stoned street they stood upon. He reached forward in shock, yearning to console the dead boy, to hold him, hoping that he wasn't dead but he knew, it was too late.

He choked a sob as the shadows cam to stand before him again, straight and tall, their perfect appearance only hindered by the blood that lay splattered across their clothing. He glared at them, opening his mouth to scream and shout, beg them to bring the boy back. Anything. Please. Instead of heeding his pleas the figures winced as the darkness retreated from their bodies leaving behind a man and a woman. He had a feeling he knew them from somewhere but before he could decipher who they were the female opened her mouth and said,



Hadrian awoke with a start as he heard the yells of Ron, he sat up rubbing his eyes as Ron leaned a top of him already dressed and ready for the day his eyes bright as he excitedly began jabbering on about the first match, 'Ireland - Bulgaria'

"Viktor Krum is playing, have you heard? He's like the youngest seeker ever to play. He still goes to school you know? Durmstrang, all they do is churn out Darke Wizards according to dad, but I'm sure that Krum isn't bad at all, and ..."

Hadrian closed his eyes, as he stumbled out of the bed, his thoughts drifting back to the dream he had had. A nightmare? Maybe... A vision? God, I hope not. He pulled his clothing that he had thrown to the floor the previous night over his head and left the room, followed by a talking Ron, and headed for the small kitchen. Most of the clan already sat at the table, they talked amongst each other as they drowsily ate their breakfast. The only one looking positively awake was Ginny, her face was bright and shiny, with rosy cheeks and alert eyes she waved her arms about as she talked to Hermione, who looked extremely bored of the conversation.

The moment the two boys walked into the room, she happily ignored Ginny and struck up a conversation with Ron. She didn't look at all bothered by the fact that he was insistent on talking about Krum and instead added her own thoughts on the matter. Hadrian mumbled a ' morning ' to the group before sitting down at the table and began eating a piece of jam-coated toast. However the moment the bread touched his tongue, the bite crumbled and turned to ash in his mouth.

Hadrian promptly spat it out, disgusted by the taste of charcoal left in his mouth. Confused, Hadrian stared at his plate, what the hell? He could eat normal food the other day, why was it turning to ash now? Tentatively he took another bite, this too turned into ash in his mouth. He grabbed the glass of milk to wipe out the taste but when he gulped it down the liquid turned into ash as well. Through watery eyes from the horrid abundant taste in his mouth Hadrian looked up, fortunately no-one had noticed his complication and he hurriedly excused himself from the table. Ash drifted out of him mouth as he muttered

' excuse me ' to Hermione and rushed to the room. Confused Hermione held her hand out to catch the flurries of ash between her fingers and worriedly watched Hadrians back as he stumbled out of the room, clutching his mouth.

Hadrian burst into the Riddle Library after apparating himself there, he reached out and grabbed the book on vampires from the table and flipped through the index,

"Where is it, where is it, where is it?" He said softly to himself as he ran his finger up and down the words until he landed on it,




Vampires can eat normal food and drink normal liquids however it all depends on the regulatory amount of blood and raw meat they drink and eat. It also depends on how developed their vampire is, and how accustomed they are to their 'inner demon' as some call it.


Though new vampires are strong they do not have the willpower to avoid eating raw meat or drinking blood for an extended period of time. They would need to eat at least once per day, not something big like a deer but they can eat something small, like a rabbit/hare or a squirrel. New vampires are unable to eat normal food if they have not fed properly. Everything they eat would turn into ash the moment it touches their tongue. Many new vampires do not even eat normal food and only drink blood in that period of time. However, they can eat and drink normal food if they eat what their diet recommends them to. —


An aged vampire doesn't need to eat or drink as much blood as new vampires do. Their diet can range from one rabbit/hare per week to a deer per month. Unfortunately for them they can only eat normal food if they are fully satisfied just like new vampires. Some aged vampires can go for months on end without blood however they would not be able to touch any normal food or drinks at all. —

Hadrian flipped through the pages, when do you become an aged vampire? He asked himself, then he saw it,

You become an aged vampire after 1 year of being a new vampire.

'One full year?' Hadrian complained. He slapped the book down as he apparated himself to the forest, all I need to eat is a rabbit right? But I am starving. Then he smelled it, it was a doe. Injured and split from her herd. Hadrian grinned, 'I mean I am ending her suffering.' He thought to himself as he raced to the place where she was resting.

"Hello." He said as he neared the doe, her leg was completely mangled, the herd had probably been attacked by a wolf... Or something worse. Hadrian couldn't be bothered, he just wanted some fresh blood. He leapt forward crushing the doe with his strength and before she could struggle he bit down on her jugular, sending blood spurting onto his face and her fur. He drank her blood till he was full and then he ripped the raw meat from inside her and ate that too. Satisfied and covered in blood he cast a quick,


Before he apparated back to the tent ready for what he sensed would be a very exciting day. 


From my vacation in Switzerland which is nice. I still have one week left of winter break so I will try and post as many chapters as I can. So um, story time. 

I HAD a Christmas special like I wrote it out and everything. It had nothing to do with the story and I was gonna post it on Christmas Day, but guess what? Wattpad decided they didn't wanna save my work and when I was about to post it bright and early on Christmas morning boom, the story was gone. SO, instead I decided to post a Merry New Years post in which their will be two stories, one from New Year and one re-written Christmas story. 

SO sorry, and thank you!


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