jelly beans

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Write get weird no make sense au yes. Write be even worst than last. Ploot lots ploot. Ooc:p

Anger. Regret. Dissapointment. These were the feelings that a certain highschool boy was feeling, and all of them were towards a single person. Himself.
The reason being simple. He was weak. He was so weak that even when his friend was infront of him he all he could do was watch. He was weak and because of his weakness his friend was taken right infront of him.  He was weak he knew it but he wasn't just gonna stand around and do nothing, he knew where his friend was taken too, and was gonna get them back, but first he needed to tell his president what he was planning to do as to not worry her and possibly get help.

With his mindset, the boy would start to make his way to his highschool. The boy currently running was of average height, short spiky brown hair, two short locks of hair behind his head, and light brown eyes. His current outfit consisted of a short sleeved yellow shirt, a red long sleeved shirt underneath, and white and red shoes all of which were red, with the shirt having a hole that went came from the front and out the back as well as stained with red.

The boy was Issei Hyoudou. A resident of Kuoh town and student of Kuoh academy.  Issei has average height, grades, shape, looks, everything about him was average and also well know throughout his school, because he's was a pervert. Despite being all those he was saved and brought back to life, when his girlfriend killed him, as a devil with a sacred Gear and from what he's been recently told by his ex, it was a twice critical meaning it would double the wielders power. However even with his sacred gear, devil physiollogy, and second chance at life he was still weak and got beat by his ex again, which is why he was going to his president, to tell and possibly get help to rescue his friend.

After reaching his school in and passing through the gates he kept going to towards where he knew his president would most likley be. Andrenaline was rushing through his body when he suddenly froze in place with anything he was feeling replaced by a strange sensation. It sent shivers down his back and made him feel uneasy, as well as making his skin crawl. The sensation would remind him of certain weapon and aura that he has felt before, none of them ending well for him or anyone like him. He would then feel rage. If what he thought was right then somehow one of them had gotten in and could hurt people if they weren't stopped.

He decided to run towards where he the sensation was coming from and saw a persons head in the distance. Too blinded by rage of someone else he knew, even if for a short time, getting hurt and not doing anything he wasn't paying attention to the confused teen ahead of him. He then yelled out two words, jumped towards the person in sight and threw a punch.


But instead of hitting the person, he instead started falling having not timed his movement with his left fist, covered in a red gauntlet, still horizontally. While going towards the person, they lifted their hand to defend themselves. Although limited contact, their hand brushed against the red gauntlet and then the sound of glass shattering was heard followed by screaming.


Pain. He felt pain. His face contorted to show it, while clenching his teeth and trying breathe normally which wasn't possible due to the pain. It felt like his body was burning. His wound from earlier aslo hurt, it felt as though all the injuries he had were opening once again. His stomach, back, leg, all of the them seemed to opening once again. He writhed in pain and coughed some blood. It was unbearable and all he could do was scream. He was soon in a puddle of his own blood and losing consciounsness.

The next thing he saw was a familiar red glow of light followed by a voice that he couldn't hear correctly due to his injuries but had a goof guess of who it could be. Consiousness was fading quickly and all he could think of was how much of a dissapointment he was and how his president might thinking of him.

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