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Speaking lots

The sun was shining brightly and a certain someone was staring outside while bored near the end of the school day.

Their morning had been nothing too strange. They had woken up like usual though the difference being from "normal" was that the crimson haired beauty  wasn't there even though she had made it clear she would be sleeping in his bed with him.

He had gone to school, along with Asia who had been enrolled by Rias and also made it so there wouldn't be any issues with communication with others by way of a spell so she could understand and speak Japanese. He hung out with his friends and even set up a date to go karaoke-ing. They were going to head to the club room as soon as the bell rang.

Maybe he had done something wrong? If so then he'd make it up to her! Yes, he would not be a bother to her!


Slapping his cheeks he made up his mind to make up whatever he had done to make his King upset with him.

Drrrrriiiiiinnngg (don't know what a bells sound turns to :p)

And with the sound of a bell ringing, everyone stood up ready to head home. Except for the boy and blonde who had club room activities which would be cleaning right now.


"Asia, hey, ready to go?"


The brown-haired boy smiled as he saw the blonde girl.


"Wow! Look how shiny the floor is!"

"...eh? Oh, yeah, that shine is amazing." Issei said with a lecherous face.

As Asia had said, the floor was cleaned thoroughly, Issei giving extra effort she didn't know why, and the result was a sparkling floor. It was so clean it shined when the late afternoon sun shined down on it. It al's gained the pervert's attention. Why? Because from where he was standing and the shiny waxed floor he could the underwear of the blonde girl beside him.

"? What's that?"


"That room. Way over there." Asia said while looking in the direction of a strange door with caution tape and locks.

"Oh, that. Yeah, that's called the forbidden room."

"The forbidden room?"

"Mhm. Yeah. It's never been opened and no one's ever tried to."

"Let's go, Asia. We don't want to keep the others waiting."

"Oh, yes."

Asia said as she followed her friend to the club room where the other members were. Except that only Koneko and Akeno were there.

"Where's the president? And Kiba?"

"......Kiba said he was sick and didn't come to school today," Koneko said in that emotionless tone of hers with Akeno adding on.

"And Rias is taking care of some important business that came up. There's nothing to worry about so why don't you two head home?"

"Oh. Sure. Thanks. Let's go, Asia."


"What do you think Rias is doing, Issei?" Asia asked as they exited the building.

"I don't know. But it's probably some important Devil stuff." As lame as that response was he didn't know what else to say.

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