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Cgtcicokfctkctrirccictixit noises

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Toumer cameltoe did the thing and then he did that thing which makes that thing do that and then and then he did the thing that would make the thing do something different so he could go up to the thing and get person away from thing while other person did something to stop his thing from doing that thing but toumer wouldn't let his thing be stopped by that thing and forced his thing forwards beating the other things makeing toumer the winnerrr of things. But then toumer had to face more things before they could gets to the him and making his thing keep going toward the other things making his thing the tired of doing things runmer then the make his thing do a cool thing to stop all other things from thinging.

Cuckaw crows be crowing around cuckawing and crowing in sky cuckaw :p the sense make no cuckaws :p Treeeees

•The scene was pretty familiar, a spikey-haired boy helping a blonde green-eyed female from "magicians" while he took the beating except this was on a lower scale

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The scene was pretty familiar, a spikey-haired boy helping a blonde green-eyed female from "magicians" while he took the beating except this was on a lower scale. :p

Spikey was doing the running, or the closest thing to running, managing to get out with more injuries, carrying the blonde girl on his back who was surprisingly light.

The boy kept looking back every once in a while and avoiding trees to see if he was being chased, which he wasn't, so he slowed down when he was far enough then getting behind a tree just to make sure he wasn't seen.


'They stopped chasing?' The boy thought. 'No. They probably have more people around waiting in case she did escape, they probably also have a way of tracking her down.'

Setting the girl down near a tree while covering her with his coat, he kept looking around making sure they were alone.

'If I stay here I'll be found out but ill also have some form of protection and if I go back down the road then I'll be out in the open. The amount of damage that would happen would also attract attention and they don't look like they mind killing anyone that gets in their way.' Frowning at his options, both of which wouldn't end well for him, he decided to stick with the former.

Letting out a sigh he leaned down to see if the girl was any better while he winced in pain.

Her breathing was heavy and she had some injuries of her own, though they were because of his idea of using the force of the explosion from the woman's magic to get them over the crowd of people, and they weren't as severe as his. Seeing as she was in better condition than him he brought a hand to his back under his uniform jacket and immediately regretted it when pain erupted throughout his body again, while his hand was covered in red liquid.

"Oh, man... Index and Othinus are going to kill me..." He muttered to himself fearing what his two freeloaders would do to him.

The lodged pieces of wood and rocks in his back, knees, and shoulders, hands, and overall most of his body made it painful for him to move but not impossible, and the bullet grazing stung and also left a not-so-pleasing-looking wound or smell, his barely movable arm and the taste of iron in his mouth didn't help either.

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