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Schools sucks not much times the now :v slows birds.

SkipAfter the girl had finished eating, the two had left to find something else to do, which was to explore the town, luckily, Touma had become pretty acquainted with the town

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After the girl had finished eating, the two had left to find something else to do, which was to explore the town, luckily, Touma had become pretty acquainted with the town.

"There are some more arcades around this area do you want to go?" The teen spoke hesitantly due to the previous event.

"..." The girl didn't reply, only continuing to chew on the soft Substance the boy had gotten when they had almost left the building.

"Er, I'll take that as a...yes?" Touma said as he looked to his left as the girl continued to chew.

Even though he had been forced to pay for a few broken games, he couldn't help but smile as he saw the girl chew the soft item like a normal child, before remembering something to tell them.

"Oh, right. I don't know if you know this or not, but don't swallow it. It's not like it's poisonous but, just don't."

The girl raised a brow and looked at the boy and stopped her mouth's movement and spoke.

"I know that. Who wouldn't know that? They'd have to be stupid to not." Again, like normal, the girl spoke with a rude tone.

"Right, sorry." The teen said and reached into his pocket, reached for something hard, and pulled it out so he could get its contents which the girl was enjoying(?).

Chewing Gum.

On a whim, before they had left the mall, Touma had bought some chewing gum. When he has done so, the girl eyed the small object and had been caught glancing when he had chewed on it, so naturally, he offered her some.



At the sound of spitting, Touma turned and saw the girl continuing to walk alongside him, though she had a hand raised towards him with her eyes closed.


"What? Do you not understand? Give me another."

"That's not the problem. You shouldn't just spit it out on the sidewalk."

"What are you talking about? What else should I do with it?"

"I don't know, how about wrapping it back up and throwing it away where it belongs? Someone could get it stuck on their shoes or fall on it, causing it to get stuck in their hair or face, or run into a group of thugs causing them to run fear for their life."

Misfortunate PhaseWhere stories live. Discover now