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School sucks reeeeeeeeeeee

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Toumer had a nice dream. He woke up in his "bed" got up and cooked for his two roommates plus the cat then he went to school where he fooled around with Tsuchimikado and Aogami which ended with the three of them on the ground due to Fukiyose. After that Touma stayed after class for his remedial classes in which he suffered having to play another one of his teacher's punishment leaving him tired and getting home late only to pass by a certain vending machine where he was ambushed and almost shocked by Biri-Biri. When he finally got home Touma was rewarded with a veryy hungry nun and a fairy running from a cat.

When Toumer woke up he wasn't in his "bed" but instead on the floor of a living room instead of a students dorm.

"Right..." Toumer got up and got ready to make breakfast for himself and his "roommates".

"I managed to reach an agreement with Sona about your "situation" yesterday."


"It's not much but she said that one of you is allowed out as long as I'm close." Touma decided to leave out the threat that was given if they tried anything and if he didn't "take care" of the situation if they decided to go rogue, or more so than before.


"Right. Well, anyways I'm not going to be able to do that today. I have to go to meet and Sona and take care of some unfinished business." Touma sighed and finished cleaning again before getting ready to head out. "If you want me to make anything specific you can tell me."

With no response from either of the three Touma stepped out and headed head towards the school he had constantly gone to yet didn't attend, yet. He was held off from coming this week and entering due to the stunt he pulled against Riser, giving him time to recover from any injuries he may have.

"Haah. I wonder how bad their punishment will be..." Touma trembled at the thought since he still felt pain in his rear from Sona's punishment. "No no don't think like that." Despite his words the more he thought about it the more worried he got.

"Well, Brightside is she won't try to kill me...hopefully. I really hope not."

Continuing his walk towards the school Touma had arrived after some time due to the usual can, dog, and the salesman. Now all he had to do was walk up to the building and get this punishment and any hostile thought over. Magic was really useful here when the powers weren't divided and weren't at war with another group.

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