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Somethings somethings the toumer somethings somethings e somethings somethings yes.god Mg

Toumer was shaking but managed to calm himself mostly but with his current surrounding, it only mean that his place was destroyed.

This only further the prove that this reality and not a shounen manga or fiction where the main character goes on an adventure in a different world, get's stronger, meets allies, discover some hidden power, then defeat the big bad, not that they could even If he tried, either way, he the felt like telling the blonde 'I told you so' but it'd be pointless.

Toumer was still waiting for MG to show themself or worst case scenario themselves but didn't think it possible since most if not all of them would either be killed or banished but what did he know from what he knew they mastered magic or something, so there could more MG's that he didn't know of so there was that.

Toumer was still waiting for MG to show themself or worst case scenario themselves but didn't think it possible since most if not all of them would either be killed or banished but what did he know from what he knew they mastered magic or somethin...

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"Hey, I said come on out!" Touma yelled out, Again with a slightly shaky voice.

He didn't receive a response in the form of talking or whoever it was that brought him there showing themselves but in the form of a white light going straight towards him which he countered with a raise of his hand where it shattered open contact with his hand.

Looking at where the light came from there was nothing but emptiness which made sense since a MG could do whatever they want here since it's blank he also couldn't call that light an attack since a MG could easily overwhelm him whether it be with number or power.

While touma was doing that people person wanted to see how he would fare against this new place he was put into by starting with an explanation about this, that would probably give them an answer to their question, but they had to be careful with him since he was pretty fragile to this sort of stuff, no thanks to the failure, then again they did provide nice entertainment so there's that.

Thinking back they also had to thank the failure because if they hadn't done what they did and without imagine breakers strange nature then they couldn't do what they did which is why they used a harmless way of bringing him though he seemed to have caught on quick, and things wouldn't be as entertaining if the boy was hesitant to use that right hand of his because he would erase someone so they were gonna tweak the game a bit and if he killed everyone then there wouldn't be any fun in that... mostly. It'd be interesting how he fares against different races going at him but that'd have to wait.


Touma flinched when he heard the energetic and cheerful voice, especially with his current situation. He had been ready and anticipating someone but even so, he still took a sharp intake of air, he thought his heart stopped before starting to pump faster than before, had this been any other situation he would have questioned the voice but that didn't apply to a MG.

"Oh wait that was too forward." People person didn't seem concerned about the boy's reaction but more about themselves. "Hmmm...this might be harder than I thought, Oh well."

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