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Reeeeeee weeqooownssnusu
Toumer the continued the same routine get ups, make foods for him, he managed to reach talking basis.. sort ofs... the words they would say were usually to talk the downs to him, after the thats he would find something to do until meeting with the devils, saves money he given be and information exchange more and then gets to sleeps.

 the words they would say were usually to talk the downs to him, after the thats he would find something to do until meeting with the devils, saves money he given be and information exchange more and then gets to sleeps

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Touma was learning

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Touma was learning.

"I can't.

"Huh? Come on not even a simple spell?"


"Have you even tried, ever?"

"Well... I mean... I guess I can buuuut..."

"But what?"

"Have you ever had your blood vessels practically be destroyed from the inside?" He wasn't going to risk it even though he didn't get an explanation magic was still magic even if they used a different system.

"I-uh...what? No... no, I haven't why would that happen?"

"I'm technically an esper despite being a level 0 so if I try using magic it'd be the equivalent of poisoning and killing myself."

"What...? Never mind, man this sucks...what're we supposed to do then? You know you should have told us this before."

"It was never brought up and besides how would I have known you would try to teach me magic!?"

With nothing to do the two stayed in awkward silence. The two were the only ones in the gymnasium with the rest of the group covering for the red hair, leaving the two males alone.

"Whats an...esper?" The blonde asked breaking the silence.


"Are they the ones with psychic powers and all that?"

"Well yes but... Espers aren't just limited to moving stuff with their minds those are people with psychokinesis, there are a variety of ability users or espers. For example Pyrokinesis and Cryokinesis with each one giving off an AIM Diffusion Field." Looking at the blonde he seemed confused. " don't know... Well let's just say that people go through a sort of test called the Power Curriculum Program after that they are considered espers or ability users even if they show no signs of an ability they still give off AIM Diffusion Field, it's similar to body heat giving of small amounts of energy which machines can sense and from there you're given a level."

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