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"Such misfortune..." Toumer said to self as he follow people in a school.

In front of him were two female people with glasses,one with long straight black hair that reache all way to to their knees, the other short black hair in bob cut style has, also glasses wear similar. Hace same clothes they do. White long-sleeved, button-down shirt with vertical linings, black ribbon on the collar, a black shoulder cape and matching button-down corset, and magenta skirt with white accents.

To he left two more female one brown hair that end in two short braid and head band wear the second had white wavy hair also wearing the same clothing.

To right another female with shoulder-length, reddish brown hair, and the second was a fellow guy with short blonde hair. He have similar clothing, white shirt with vertical linings, rolled up sleeves, black ribbon, and black pants.

Behind him two more females. Again. One have be tall and have hair blue and person next to them be short and have long hair in ponytail ×2 brown color.

The reason toumer was following person group because when red hair girl no get answer from toumer blonde boy brough sword closer to he neck making toumer sweat and blurt words random. Before red head girl could ask question, anoother circle appear this one be blue and brought the people he current following. Glasses gurl stopped blonde and told red to worry about bleeding boy and that she will find out toumer intentions, then red hair, blonde boy, ponytail girl and small white hair girl leave through circle.

After reds group left glasses gurl tell toumer to talk but decide to change location and use magic circle to move them to different place. When try though sound of glass shattering was heard and everyone get tense and look ready to attack toumer since it look like toumer break circle somehow. Glasses girl look at toumer closely making toumer nervous then glasses tell her group to calm down and to walks. After walking out of forest área, toumer see big building with smaller building nearby and also a sort of field, basically look like big school to toumer and after walking for minutes they get to school and enter going stairs up and walk more until reach door and enter.

Toumer was feeling confused because room have desk near window book shelf either side and two couch, and on that couch was the injured boy, bandages, and no one else.

Glasses girl then tell touma to stay and Wait for them to talk with him confusing him even more and then her group leave.

Toumer now stood awkwardly in the room looking around and slowly walk towards one of two couches and see the boys injuries. He covered in bandages and moving in slightly and he breathing heavy.

Toumer was thinking of why he be brought here and not attacked. The obvious answer was what glasses said, to know intentions for being there and injuring one of their own. But that doesn't explain why they would leave him alone with injured person unless this be some sort of trap. Toumer then think about what they would do to him if he does something wrong.

Instead of focusing on the bad toumer would instead think of the good things about his situation. He wasn't attacked, yet, he's not outside wandering around like a lost boy, he wasn't being threatened, yet, also said magic item wasn't making him bleed out, probably because he no can use magic in first place, which is good since he's been through that and also seen that happen.

Misfortunate PhaseWhere stories live. Discover now