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Quiet be. Toumer and tsuchi safe be yes.Tsuchi be bleeding and coughs coughs red. Toumer want make sure friend okay but tsuchi make friend go ahead yes.

Toumer then go runs and turn córner while he hear shoot of gun sound and sound of foot behind him. After run path start down go and he continue the hear glass of sound breaking he then see wall start change shape to golem yes.

Person behind him would left be to fight since toumer keep running aheads.  Toumer look ahead and see gate likley most where ítem be in he then see lights multiple going way of his but he move and roll while use image breaker to keep self safe. Toumer touch gate when gets close and break glass heard as well as rumble rumble when he looking back he see girl there and look injured not he then feel something on head and turn to dust and pebble fall he then try open gate quickly when girl go toward him.

Rock, dirt, and dust be all see. When dust settle style and tsuchi be there and other girls too. All fighting and damage too much for old hall and not stable be so all fall where ítem magic be. Everyone then look toumer direction and he sweat. He then try open gate and enter but people try stop him and forward moves.

Style use fire to make copy to get ítem and fight people before they gets can ítem, tsuchi pull a goon and shoot start, toumer almost get ítem with image break but girl kick Him from back and try to get ítem but turn body around to dodge fire that go way of them, room then get hots when style throw card with picture and say magic stuff to make big fire monster appears.

Other females then attack monster of fire, style, style1,2,3, and tsuchi as well with magic more stuff and attack the cards style throw to rid get of fire but block be by fire sword that style hold.
Tsuchi be fight blonde girl and twin with hand and uses goon but gurl dodge while other attack. Style magic weaker feel and notice girl with hair blue not be fighting so he guess she responsable for he weak magic and throw fire but gurl be protect by another gurl who kick ball of fire and almost hit toumer who still fighting brown hair. Toumer dodge swing of brown hair blade then he try to reach ítem but have to defend from ball and get kick in back of leg by brown hair who use moment to get ítem.
Toumer grab leg when gurl try get away and gurl almost fall but she stop self and try kick toumer off but he no let get then red hair girl go get magic stuff instead but she ne stopped by fire monster. Toumer let go gurl to get stuff with image breaker strech out but brown hair jump air and land on head of him and he balance lose and start to falls but use right hand to stop and Stretch left to hold on and not fall and grab ítem.

Toumer then get ups with ítem in hand but grimoire start shine and flip page. Style tell toumer to touch with image breaker but when he try he hear sound of break glass but instead of grimoire it seem to hit barrier type thing and push against image break and then shine brighter. Everyone confuse be about light and start scream but toumer not hear because of the book and image and then ring start spark. Toumer then see hows everyone still stay and the he see figure move buts he blacks out.


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