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The sound of laughter, grunts, splashing water, and falling rain filled the empty streets and along with the strange noises an odd duo

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The sound of laughter, grunts, splashing water, and falling rain filled the empty streets and along with the strange noises an odd duo.

The short white-haired man, with clothing that gave the impression of a holy man of the church which contrasted the eerie smile they held and the laughter that came from them. Freed Sellzen continued to enjoy their time.

The other figure, the normal high school boy of average height and looks, Kamijou Touma, was continued to be hit. Constantly avoiding the sword was easy but it was when the short man had switched to normal physical means that he started having more trouble.

Aside from the normal blows he also tried to land a few of his own only to be avoided and countered.

"Hoho! Come one now! Didn't you say you couldn't let me go, loverboy?"

Touma lowered his body as he avoided another kick that would have knocked the air out of him had it landed and the sword of light that came swinging along with the man's spin.

Pushing himself forward Touma went for the man's stomach with a tackle. It may have seemed childish but while the priest held superior stats to him, he at least wasn't at the level of a Saint. Their encounter at the church was good enough proof of that, so he had a lot more options than if he were fighting a monster like Saints or a supernatural like Riser, where only Imagine Breaker would be of use.


The leg that had been raised returned in the form of a spin kick with the priest slightly pivoting the one on the ground to kick Touma's chin upwards.

"Kee Hee."

Clenching his teeth and steeling himself, Touma managed to keep himself from moving back too much and reached for the priest's clothes. Using as much strength as he could muster with his hand he pulled the priest towards himself and pushed towards the man's lower body while the man raised his sword.

The two humans grunted. One from the impact of having another body slam into them and then having their head slam against the ground. The other for having impacted multiple sets of metal.

"Gah! That fucking hurt! You damn brat!" The priest shouted as he got up. "I was trying to be nice. Trying be a good player. But noooooooo. You just had to be stubborn and fight back!"

Grabbing the boy by his shirt and forcing him up to eye level, the priest brought his head to the boy's face followed by an impact.

"Gah! Ah! Ah!"

Reaching for the priest's wrist he moved the man's arms upwards and then hit the man. Or he would have had the familiar high-pitched sound of glass breaking not sounded as soon as his right hand made contact with the priests wrist.

"? Shit. Don't tell me." The priest stopped his attack on the boy.

Seeing this opening what else was the boy to do but swing his fist towards the priest.

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