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I jinxed myself and kinda, maybe, sorta lost my device during some pancake thing. This one was done before the loss.

It was such a good day today.

It was shining out, the weather was nice, his Master had let him and his fellow peerage members rest, what could go wrong?





That's how it started at least.

Up until he had accepted a call from a member of Gremory's group. The one who was known throughout the school as part of the perverted trouble-making group, the perverted trio, Issei Hyoudou.

He had immediately regretted accepting the request of that pervert he refused to meet eyes with when he revealed the cause of his call.

If only he had gone to visit and check up on his strange foreign friend.



That pervert had the bright idea to think of destroying those holy-swords that had been stolen.

Did he not think of the consequences? Was he that much of an idiot? Were the thoughts of the pawn of Sitri.

If he, a Devil, destroyed those important holy-swords, which were in possession of the Church/used to be, then it could lead to disagreement and possibly to a war!  He had called those two people of the Church and told them his idea and the worst part was that they had agreed to it!!

But on the other hand, he had also seen that perverted fellow pawn in a new light when they bonded over their dreams of impregnating their masters and that he was doing so to help a friend.

So while he may get in trouble with his master (something that terrified him knowing how his master was) he would help the boy with his plan of destroying those holy-swords to help a friend.


Touma was looking down on the town from above a hotel's roof. A small rectangular shape with a door was there, a door that would lead into the building, something he had ignored on his climb.

"Hey boy, do you notice anything?"

"No," Touma said.

As he discussed he would be looking to see any areas with a lack of people or anywhere that stuck out while his partner sat in the center of the roof.

Although he wanted her to help he knew he wasn't going to get his way so he grabbed the small plastic bag he had brought, pulled out the bottle of water and drank it.

It was a pretty hot day and the sun was shining brightly.

"Mmmm. I probably should have thought about how long we'd be here."

Looking down from high up and trying to see people below was hard and doing so on a sunny day didn't make things better.

His partner that was supposed to be helping only stood idly by.

"Why am I the only one searching? I'm sure your eyes would be better at this than mine."

"I'm making sure you don't slack off," Yuuma said.

"You can't be serious." Touma really wanted to sock that girl.

The girl only gave a kind smile.

A fake smile.

Touma gave a grunt and kept looking. He ignored the spots with the large crowd of people and focused on those with fewer activity.

"Oh, right. Just so you know those devils have some areas marked so you humans don't get near."

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