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Reeeeeeeeee idk

Reeeeeeeeee idk

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"Such...misfortune" Toumer muttered in a shaky voice while holding one arm to his face. "Ghhh..."

Toumer was in a small normal house with four rooms, kitchen, bathroom, furniture, with the four rooms being occupied by people under house arrest leaving him with the choice of sleeping in the living room on a couch, which he didn't choose and instead chose the bathtub to maintain some form of connection to before.

To make story shorts after getting out of the hospital Touma was approached by the same group of eight that he met before and taken to talk someplace wherein he had learned about supernatural creatures that walked among humans, humans with special items that granted them power, and that his home might or might have not been destroyed to make this one.

With the possibility of his home being destroyed again and a Magic God being on the loose, with no idea where they were, and the fact he couldn't do anything it brought back some memories that are better off forgotten. Of course, this led him to be in denial and thinking of different possibilities one of which was that there could be different worlds, he would use the place where the Magic Gods had been as an example, the rookies special right hand, the example of heaven and earth, to calm himself down but there was still doubt. He decided to imagine what his understander would say to him probably something like, clinging onto that small piece of hope would crush him more than help, or something and had to keep himself composed in front of the group of eight that were devils until he told them he was stranded and had no way home, another world, which had many holes.

The leader and king of the group Sona Sitri had offered help in exchange that he helps her if needed despite finding out about his right hand, which could potentially kill if not erase them.

After that was said and done they brought him to a house. White exterior, two-story, little to no furniture, four rooms, kitchen, bathroom, and also its peoples, which were the four people he had mistaken for magicians who were in actuality fallen angels and supernatural entities, and the rundowns be that they were forced to "serves" hims as punishment to which he was against but before he could protest the group left him with the four fallen who had given him glares of obvious resentment.

The rest of day he spent while being avoided by the four which was for the best for him so he could take in everything that he had learned, letting him break the facade he had kept up in an attempt to not burden the group of devils that had offered him aid, he also had to stay quiet as to avoid the four although he doubted they would care.

"Index...Othinus..." Toumer was feeling the hurts. "Ghhhh...ghhh..." Staying like that until he went to sleeps.

Or something like that's idk.


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