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People person


"Yes, what is it?"

"Are you sure letting him go was right? If Rias-san finds out you let him get away, I doubt she will take it lightly."

"Perhaps. But seeing as how he injured her precious pawn as well as destroyed the barrier, add her current anger towards the boy, I don't believe she will be causing us any problems. This will also let us see what he's capable of and what kind of sacred gear he wields."


People person was observing a spiky-haired boy who just entered an abandoned church which after a few minutes was followed by gunshots.

E :]

(Pew pew pew pew pew)

"Hahahahahaha!!! Come out come out... "

'Why can't I meet a normal priest or people in general!?'

Touma was currently crouching behind a few benches, or what remained, after avoiding being shot by a white-haired priest after asking about the Asia person.
Looking around the corner of the bench the priest was already near and shot at the boy.


Bringing his head back hitting the bench with the back of his head. Looking to his right there were more benches and made a run for them while crouching and holding his arms over his head, which wouldn't do anything to stop bullets from a gun or normal ones at least, managing to avoid anything fatal but the shots did graze his skin causing him to wince in pain.

"Hehe! Come on at least try and make this entertaining, you did say you were looking for the devil-loving whore right? She's below the altar."

'Huh...that was surprisingly easy.'

"Not like it'll make a difference, either way, shell die in the end. Even if you did manage to get down there and IF you somehow manage to get through me, you're outnumbered, So give it up I promise to make it quick!!!"

"Why are you doing this?"

Avoiding more pew pew shots the spiky-haired boy was now left in the open with the benches all destroyed and the white-haired priest aiming his gun at the boy. Clenching his fist the boy, having nowhere to hide behind ran towards the priest willing to take a shot if he can close the distance, in turn, he only gave a wide smile and pulled the trigger aimed at the boy.

The clicking of the clack noise

"Huh... You know I probably should have prepared for this."

Whether it was luck on the boys part or idiocy on the priests part, instead of the loud bang that resounded throughout the church when the gun was shot it was replaced with a small and pitiful clicking sound. The priest threw his gun towards the boy avoid the boys fist them he jumped at him with a glowing sword in hand ready to cut the boy.

The boy instead of doing making attempt at getting out of the way only brought his clenched fist towards the glowing sword that would most likely cut through the appendage followed by his arm only, lengthening his pain which brought another smile to the white-haired priest.

The noise of glass shattering :p

Mean priest person instead of a smile on his face was instead gritting his teeth and falling on his back, caused by a fist in his face that broke his sword and was currently forcing him down to the ground.

Misfortunate PhaseWhere stories live. Discover now