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Touma continued his search throughout the morning, attempting to locate Freed Sellzen and uncover his plans. He ran through alleyways and peered into every building he had marked on the map, but could not find any trace of him. He doubled back, desperate to find some clue, but he couldn’t find anything. The sun began to set and Touma was no closer to finding Freed than when he'd started.

"Shit! Where the hell is this guy? I already looked through the buildings Yuma helped mark."

He was about to go off, when his attention was grabbed by an explosion off in the distance. Above, in a path up a hill there was smoke. He didn't question it and sprinted towards there.

"Mmm. So what are we gonna do?"

"What CAN we do? We're under house arrest by those Devils and our boss was the one who gave the punishment."

"Yeah but, if that priest is working with one of our own then we can side with them."

"And you really think they'd be able to pull it off? Even if they did, It'd be pointless. A needles war would just get us killed, especially if the boss found out we were part of it. We'd basically have targets on our backs when word spread."

Mittelt furrowed her brow at Dohnaseek. He was right but she didn't like being in their current position.

"Oh, right. That kids gonna try and stop that priest." Raynare said from her lying down position, her head hanging of the edge of the couch.

They were basically rambunctious bored kids cooped up.

"And we're just gonna let him? Won't that end badly for us?"

Raynare merely shrugged at kalawarner's words.

"We couldn't do anything. We were here. The Devils did say we couldn't leave without the kid. If he left without us, then there's nothing we could do."

"Shouldn't we help, though?"

"Ugh. Donhaseek's right. I'd love nothing more than start a war with those Devils and kill as many as I'd like, but getting a target on our back isn't very tempting. Now quiet down, brat."

Mittelt sent a glare at the older Fallen but was forced to look away when she retaliated with a much fiercer glare.

She slightly clenched her small hands, and slowly said, "What if we do help, though?"

The three older Fallen only replied with a glare that made her feel small-er.

"N-Not the Priest. What if we helped the boy? If we can help solve this mess, then surely we'll be given some leeway, right?"

The three Fallen stared, thinking. While it did sounds promising they weren't even sure that was a sure bet. Also, the idea of working with the same people who put them in their position was very... repulsive, to say the least.

But then again, they didn't have to.

Whatever mess the Priest had caused was big, sure. But that didn't mean they were involved. But, they did feel some irritation at the idea of the Priest wielding a Holy-Sword. Despite being Fallen, they still harbored minor remnants  of their past lives.

They didn't move from their spots.

"Sona!" Kamijou called out after running as quickly as his legs would let him. He didn't want to risk being left behind by them after all.

It wasn't just Sona there. Tsubaki, Issei, Kiba, Koneko, Rias, were there too. Behind them was a small crater.

"Touma, what are you doing here?"

"What do you think?"

"Go to the house. This doesn't involve you."

"I want to help. I've got a basic idea of what would happen if Freed and his accomplice get what they want."

"And what do you think you can do that we can't? You're inexperienced. You're not fast like a [Knight], you aren't strong like a [Rook], you aren't powerful like a [Queen], and you're not adaptable like a [Pawn]. You're simply Human. You'd die if you got involved. So for your safety, head to the house."

She turned and faced the other Devils. Right now they needed to plan on how to fight against Freed and the Fallen Angel Kokabiel, and how to contain the resulting damage that would ensue.

"Rias, we'll form a barrier around the school. We'll contain the fighting to within the school grounds. Tsubaki, call everyone. We don't have much time."

Oof. Like, only felt like a couple weeks to me.... 💀

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23, 2023 ⏰

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