time of the month

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Hey Guys! I have 3 plots in mind already and I hope to give new posts this month (1 per week) rather than my 1 per month as usual. 

Today im doing one on intersex: a male who has a vagina or basically someone of a gender that doesn't have matching parts of that gender.  

I hope you guys enjoy this one! I think it'll be nice to have some cute stuff again : )

Also, im gonna try just writing and not worrying about POVs, hopefully it doesn't confuse anyone. Ill try my best

Onto the show~~~~~~~~~~~


Type woke up with the sun shining bright on his face. He tilted his down to see his husband Tharn sleeping peacefully into his side as he did every night. They've been married for several years now and living together longer, but Type appreciated this scene everyday of his life.

He turned in order to be able to hug Tharn as he slept, rather than being the only one being hugged. But stopped quickly as he felt something wet between his legs upon turning the slightest. "Shit" , Type thought. Quickly grabbing his phone he turned it on to see he had a missed notification from his Clue app (an app girls use to track their period). "Your menstrual cycle is expected to start today" it read. 

Although upset that the fact that he knew what the rest of the week would look like, he couldn't say he was surprised. Type had felt his breasts beginning to feel soar at the beginning of the weak and his back pain had already started. 

He quickly jumped out their shared bed and prayed that gravity wouldn't fail him on his way to the bathroom. 

Feeling the warmth next to him leave his body and the sound of a door slam; Tharn awoke. He took a second of yawning and stretching before calling out for Type. "Baby, are you okay?" he said, worried as to why his husband had jumped out of the bed quickly. Soon hearing the shower turn on. 

His questioning face soon leaving his body as he looked down onto the bedsheets. A red spot that was directly beneath where Type had been laying. "Ah, nevermind" he called out. Knowing exactly what caused the sheets to look bloody he arose and stripped the bed to wash the sheets before Type could see the stain he made. 

Tharn already knew of Types intersex which caused him to have periods, but he knew Type always felt uncomfortable talking about them. That is why he didn't want Type to see the sheets, knowing he'd feel embarrassed. 

Once throwing the sheets into the washer, he heard the shower turning off and Type opening up a pad. Tharn always wondered why they made those things so damn loud (A/N: same Tharn). 

He then grabbed a chocolate bar that he stored in his "Hubby emergency kit", as he liked to call it, and walked back into their room. 

Type was now sitting/leaning on the headboard holding his stomach and squinting his eyes; obviously in pain from his cramps. 

"Here baby", Tharn called, "eat this and hopefully you'll feel better". After you eat breakfast you can take an Advil. And before you even say, No. You can't take painkillers on an empty stomach no matter how much it hurts".

He unwrapped the chocolate bar and passed it to Type while sitting on the side of the bed. Careful not to make Types weight shift to one side. 

"How'd you know?" Type said tilting his head to look down at the bar, obviously embarrassed. Tharn was not one to lie to Type, even if he knew it'd make the younger one embarrassed. "You bled onto the sheets. I already put them in the wash" , he said. "I see", Type said, taking a bite of his chocolate. 

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