The Day I Met Him

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Authors POV:

Win and Team are sitting together in their shared condo on the patio. It is a crisp night and the wind is not too harsh yet existent. It is just cold enough for the two to be outside cuddling with no fear of getting sick; Enjoying the view and life they have created together. Breaking them out of this trance, came their daughter running out the door to embrace her parents. Ophelia is her name. "Daddy (Team), I have to fill out a family report for school and I need to ask a question in order to start it", she said. "What is it?", said Win pulling her lightly into the blanket with them. "Well I have to describe how you two met and how it shaped the relationship you have now". Team turned to Ophelia and said, "Well okay then, why dont you snuggle up and I'll tell the story. But let me go from beginning to end with no interruptions". Team saying this as his biggest pet peeve was getting interrupted when he shared important stories. Ophelia gave a slight smile and nodded her head while settling in between her fathers. 

Team speaking:

The first day I met Win could probably be one of the luckiest and most embarrassing days of my life. It all started the night before when I came to the reality that I actually had to do the essay I had been procrastinating on for the past 2 months. That's only because it was due the next day at 6:00 a.m. on the dot. If you knew my professor, you'd understand how panicked I was to finish it. Sure I should have started it earlier, but my days were filled with practicing for swim try-outs that everything else came second. 

I began my essay at 11:37 the night before and had my body run on nothing but coffee and my favorite chips: Lays. Trust me when I tell you I didn't realize how much I would regret my decision the next day. I had stayed up the entire night and had finished my conclusion paragraph at 5:46am. This meant I only have 14 minutes to print out my paper in the West wing of campus and turn it into my teachers desk at the East wing all in that span of time. 

My dorm is near the library which made is very easy for me to print out my paper and I had already reserved a computer for me to send my paper and bribed the library TA with two bags of chips to make sure I had VIP access to the only printer. After my paper was freshly finished out of the printer at 5:55am, I mad a run for it to the East wing. On a regular day, this would only take me about 2 minutes to run across the campus. But the coffee and chips were about to make their second appearance into the real world.

Against all odds, I got to the teachers room by 5:59am and with the toppling of 2 students and 3 desks, I placed my essay on the desk with no time to spare. The issue now was, what I had eaten the night before was coming back the same hole, and it did not come to play. 

I knew there was no way I was going to make it to the bathroom, let alone my dorm, so I took my next best shot and ran to the nearest tree I could find. As I was running, I was keeping my eyes straight on my destination and not caring to see my surroundings. Out of nowhere this boy comes ramming into me on his bike. 

I had been putting in all my efforts not to throw up while running that the second I stop holding my mouth and consciously telling myself No, it all came out at once. Remind you, the boy who had ran into me was laying on my stomach the second everything released. Luckily everything had gotten on me and none on him. I was already so embarrassed and turning red as a tomato that I wouldn't ever be able to look at myself again if I knew I had gotten any on him too. 

In fact, I was so embarrassed I had even passed out. Both from losing almost 10 pounds in the span of 10 seconds and knocking my head on the ground upon impact. Whatever occurred from me passing out to me waking up is still a mystery to this day but your father promises me that I'm better not knowing what happened. 

The next thing I knew, I was laying on the locker room bench with a towel covering me and my head above a cushion. Only it wasn't a cushion, it was your Dads lap. And I can still feel the soothing way his hand massaged my aching head. "You take it from here", said Team to Win.

Win speaking: 

As your daddy said, I had cleaned him up and was massaging his head to soothe the aching when he woke up. It was a surprise when instead of laying still and thanking me, he jumped up and started cursing me out. Can you believe that? As if I had not been his angel for the passed hours he was knocked up. 

As I was saying, he curses me out about multiple different things: why he was naked, who was I, why did I run into him, and where his clothes were. In order to calm him I answered all his questions calmly: I had given him a bath to wash off all his puke, I am the co-captain of the University swim team, I was distracted due to being in a rush since I had woken up late to view the try-outs, and that his clothes were currently air drying by the window. Oh you should have seen how red his face turned after I said this. Not only because it came to mind that he had missed the try-outs and one of the captains had to bathe puke off of him, but also that he forgot to grab the towel when he jumped up.

I had been laughing so hard, tears were blurring my vision and breathing was becoming a struggle. But after my eyes cleared a little my laughter stopped immediantely. Upon regaining vision I noticed that daddy was not only not laughing, but that he was crying. Not enough to call sobs but it was obvious how distraught he was over the situation. I immediantely ran to grab his clothes and help him get dressed, I felt terrible for laughing at him knowing that if I was in that state I would most likely be crying too. 

I pulled him to sit next to me and soothed his tears away. I remember saying, "hey its okay, you dont need to cry", to which he responded, "im so embarrassed. I ruined everything today: I not only missed the try-outs I had been working so hard for, but I even had the team captain bathe me and see me in my vulnerable state. I've made the worst impression!", he said sobbing now.  An-

Team speaking:

And do you know what your father said to me after that made me realize I never wanted anyone else to care for me or for anyone else to care for him in the way he did me? He said, "Look at me, everyone has terrible days. But that also means everyone has the best days too. I wouldn't have changed a thing about today, and I promise from here on out, you dont have to have any worries when you're around me. If you promise to be there for me, I promise to be there for you". And with no second thought, I promised him. And I'll keep that promise for the rest of my life.

Ophelia speaking:

"I hope to find someone to love as much as you two love each other But I hope my first interaction with them doesn't involve puke"

Author POV: 

With that last remark they all started laughing. And as if connected through minds; both Win and Team looked at each other and mouthed "I love you". And they'll continue to love each other and Ophelia forever. 


Hey Hey Hey!! 

Hmm, I don't really like this one as much as the other but I didn't want to keep anyone waiting.

I know I hate waiting for new stories too but I had to wait for the right idea to come to me first

I hope you all enjoyed it :) there's plenty more to come

Love you all!!

(p.s. please leave suggestions, I'm more than glad to write what you all want to read)

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