Please Just Hold me

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Ram POV:

"Please... just hold me, it hurts so bad" he said through clenched teeth,  pointing to his heart with one hand and gripping onto my shirt as if I was going to run away any second with the other. 

My heart instantly shattered for the second time. 


No One POV:

It was now April 14 and Kings odd behavior had been going on since the beginning of the month. His talkative and outgoing personality was now blank. Not in a way that came off as sad or angry, but rather, as if he didnt feel anything. 

What was odder was, no one ever noticed except for Ram. Whenever the two would go out in public with there friends, King's behavior flipped like a switch- going back to his true King self. Ram was the only to notice that when everyone focused their attention away from King, his expression would stop. As if he was acting the entire time. But when the two were alone in the house, King was "there" but not really "there". Almost as if his body was in the house, but not his soul. 

The two used to be attached at the hip- completely inseparable. But as this month had gone, King would lock himself in his room with his academic work and shut everything else out. Even during dinner or when Ram was softly knock on the door, there was no reaction. 


Ram and King were now walking out of the subway terminal after spending the entire day out and about with their large group of friends. King personality had switched the second they waved off to their friends in the station. He (King) was now reading the textbook copy PDF on his phone and not focusing on anything else going on around them- even the business man who was briskly walking to a seat and whose briefcase was about to hit Kings phone out of his hand. 

*Bam* - Kings phone went flying across the floor of the subway cart. 

It was a scene no one, especially Ram, would have expected. The man was already about to open his mouth to apologize when he was cut off. 

"What the fuck! Cant you ever watch where you're going!?" King had an outburst. The cart was silent for a second. The phone had no cracks- there was truly no reason to get mad at the man, it was an accident after all". 

The man then grabbed the phone and apologetically handed it to King who snatched it and opened up the PDF again, no longer showing any emotion or sign that he had berated a man. 

Sure his anger was a genuine emotion which is what Ram had wanted- but this entire scene had Ram staring at King with wide eyes.  Who was this person sitting beside him? He truly didnt know. 

The subway stopped and the two got off- the walk home being in complete silence. One reason being that no conversation can be one-sides, and it was known that King would not react to anything around him, minus the incident from earlier. And two, Rams mind was spinning in circles on what the hell just happened. 

King never got mad unless it was someone hurting one of their friends, and for him to get that upset someone knocking his phone was absolutely bewildering to Ram. Theres something going on- and he had to figure it out. He missed his boyfriend. 


The two walked into their shared apartment- King was immediantely making his way into his room. Ram followed- even if he knew that it was not what King wanted. 

"Why are you following me" King said, not so much in a questioning tone, but rather as a statement.

 "Well I just wanted to spend more time with you" he responded, which was basically the truth. 

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