A Duo

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Hey Hey Hey!! I said I would post one a week but here's next week in advance: im gonna be super busy but I wanted to keep my word to you guys :)

This ones a cute family story with a little conflict, 

stay happy  :) 


Pete and Kao had lived their whole lives together- especially being they were born on the same day and in the same hospital and having parents that were best friends of one another.  It would be shocking if the two boys hadn't been so close. But there was only one issue, one of them didn't want to be seen as half of the other anymore...

Kao knocked on Pete's window in order to be let in as their two windows were climbing distance from the next- as they were neighbors. Every morning since grade school, Kao would knock on Pete's window after being done getting ready and patiently wait for the other in his room.  Today although, Pete didn't open the window, nor did he have his curtains open for the other boy to look inside.

This was odd as, even if the other was sick, they would always open the window to let the other in. This abnormality caused Kao to shift from a confused to worry expression on his face, he climbed back into his room and ran out front in order to knock on Pete's from door.

He knocked and was greeted by Pete's father. "Oh,  Hello Kao, I thought you had already left for school" he said. "Oh no, I actually came to see where Pete was. He didn't open his window as usual" Kao replied. Pete's dad wore a stunned expression on his face. "I assumed he had left with you, he's already been out of the house for around", he looked at his watch, "ohhh, some 15 minutes or so". Kao was shocked to hear the news, did he really leave without me?  he thought.

After thanking and saying goodbye to Pete's father, he began his own walk to the school. Questioning the entire way as to why his best friend didn't wait for him. Especially on their first day of their last year together.  It had always been their tradition to walk together, which is why Kao was all the more shocked to walk into the school and see Pete hanging around their regular group of friends. This means he didn't have a real reason to leave him . . . Kao mumbled to himself. 

The two boys made eye contact as Kao walked up, greeting his friends. "Where were you?" he turned and asked to Pete. "At school? Where else would I be" he replied, causing Kao to become irritated at his lack of care. "No shit sherlock, of course you'd be here. But why didn't you wait for me? We always come together." Kao said, in an angry yet saddened tone. Being in complete dismay as his friend seemed to find nothing wrong with the situation. 

"Just because thats what weve always done doesn't mean its what we always have to do. I just wanted to enjoy the first day of the last year on my own. Didn't you like walking by yourself too? Felt so freeing to be honest" Pete replied, right before the bell sounded; Leaving no time for Kao to react or respond to his so called bestie.  

The group began to walk away, initially not noticing that Kao wasn't walking behind them. But how could he? The person he loved the most and thought loved him the most just said how free he felt finally being without him. 

May (sorry I dont remember their friends names in the show) turned around, feeling that somebody was missing and ran back to where Kao was standing. Looking stunned she would say. "Hey what are you doing? You dont want to be late on the first day" she cheered. Kao didnt move, feeling his eyes starting to sting with tears he looked down. "Did you not hear him? He didn't even want to see me this morning" he said, voice on the verge of cracking. 

May gasped, shocked that her friend who had always been lighthearted and positive was coming to a breakdown. "Awe Kaooo~~~, you know he didnt mean it in that way. He probably just wanted to experience something hed never felt before. You know that people are always curious. He loved you so so so much, dont take it to heart" she said in a soothing voice, lifting her friends chin up.

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