Good Cop/Bad Cop pt2

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Oh my goodness guys!!! Were at 988 reads on our story!!

I started this for fun and to give some more spice to characters but im grateful for each read!

But I know you guys are waiting for pt2- so lets get to it :) 


It was around 3 in the morning and Win still could not manage to sleep. His own words repeating in his mind. I would've kept looking.  How could I say that to my only daughter? he thought.  Beating himself up about the situation. 

In the room adjacent to his, the same thoughts were going through his daughters head. 

"I told him I wished he wasn't my dad, Uncle Pharm" she spoke silently to her Uncle on facetime. She knew her first line to talk to when she was having issues or needed to vent out was her fathers- but she couldn't do that when they were the topic. "I really regret saying that. And after he said he wish I wasn't his daughter either" she began to feel her eyes becoming glossy. 

Pharm only looked with a sad expression on his face, not approving of what Ophelia said but definitely more disgusted with Wins response to her. He was an adult- and she's just a kid. "Baby, dont cry" he soothed, "you were both speaking things in the spur of an angry moment that you both know aren't true". 

Ophelia sniffled, "what should I do Uncle? I just want him to not be angry anymore" she asked. "The best thing to do in this situation is to speak it out as soon as possible. Not let the tension grow" he spoke, knowing that speaking out issues was always the solution. "And if has still upset afterwards, Ill tell Uncle Dean to knock some sense into him. Don't you worry" he jokes.

"Ahahaha! Oh Uncle Pharm, you always have the solution. Thank you so much" Ophelia thanked, wondering how she got so lucky as to have an Uncle like Pharm. "Anytime" Pharm responded before exchanging goodbyes and hanging up the phone. 

"Who was that?"  Dean asked, turning over in bed to hug his husband. "Just Ophelia, she was telling me about her day" Pharm said, knowing that if he said what Win did- Dean would leave the house now to beat up his friend. "Mmm, what a sweet girl" he snored before falling back to sleep. 

Ophelia tiptoed across the hallway, not wanting to wake up Dad in the living room and gave 3 soft knock's onto her parents bedroom. 

Win heard these knocks from the bed and went to answer the door. He was shocked to see Ophelia standing before him- her face showing a mix of nervousness and sadness. "Hey baby, what's wrong?" he asked, peering down the railing to see if Team had awoken.

"Nothing.  I just wanted to talk about what happened earlier- I cant stand knowing you dont love me" she spoke before tears began streaming down her face. 

Win quickly pulled her into the room and into a big bear hug after closing the door so his husband wouldn't awake. "Shhh Shhh, no baby. Daddy loves you more than anything into he world. I promise you" he whispered into her ear. His heart breaking with each sob that came from his daughter. 

After several minutes of holding his daughter by the door, Ophelia's sobs turned to sniffles and Win knew it was time to clear things up. "Lets sit on the bed and talk about this.  Okay?" he asked, giving a slight smile to his puffy eyed daughter. "Okay" she responded, her spirits lifting. 

They both sat on the bed and turned towards each other. "You can speak your mind first" Win said to his daughter, "Ill wait until you're finished to respond and Ill listen with an open mind". 

Ophelia nodded and collected her thoughts to speak. "I didnt get the belly-button piercing to defy you or to get you mad. My friends were getting them and once I saw it on them I thought it looked really really cute so without thinking I got one too. I only covered my stomach when I got home because thats when I realized I hadn't asked first and was nervous to how you would react. I somewhat assumed you'd be okay since out also have a piercing and tattoo on your back but I was wrong  . I spoke those harsh words to you out of anger on how badly your reaction was and after you told me you wished I wasn't your daughter I exploded and made an equally painful comment.  Im sorry" She said, barely remembering to take a breath.

Win took a minute to process everything she said and incorporate it with what he wanted to say as well. Knowing now was a time to make sure his response was right. 

"I see how and why you said what you said.  Im upset that you didnt ask about it first but I cant be upset at how you reacted to my words. Im the adult and your father and should've been more careful with what I said. And instead of berating you I should've used it as an educational moment. I love you more than anything in the world and regret my words with my entire heart. You're my only daughter- and I wouldn't want anybody else" he spoke, making sure to make his apology sincere. 

Ophelia's eyes  began to gloss again with her father words. "I love you too dad, and I dont wish for anyone else to be my parents other than you and daddy" She spoke, pulling him into a hug. She missed this feeling and getting her thoughts out and having them be listened to made her feel accepted. 

They stayed in this hug embracing the feeling of love again. Both thinking of grateful they were for the other before falling asleep while cuddling.


Team awoke with the sun hitting his eyes through the window. Wondering on how he would fix todays issue; not knowing the issue had been resolved hours before in his sleep. 

He walked upstairs to wake his husband in order to help prepare a good breakfast for good feeling.  

An audible gasp coming out of his mouth followed by a heart warming smile when he opened the door to the most beautiful scene infront of him: his beautiful daughter and love of his life hugging peacefully in their sleep.

Seems like they took care of this one on their own, he thought. Closing the door in order not to wake his two sleeping beauties. Not before snapping a quick photo to put in their scrapbook.

Its moments like these he knows they will all cherish together.

As one big happy family. 



Ii literally restarted 3 times because I didnt like what I was coming out with- but this is the best one I have and think it came out really nice.

Also- shoutout to our DeanPharm cameo <3

Hope you all enjoyed this- I know I did. Who doesn't love a little sweetness in life?



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