parenting is never easy

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im sorry.
"I don't want to!" Soobin yelled while walking down the stairs to the kitchen. An angry Seokjin right behind him.

"First of all young man, I am not screaming at you, therefore, you do not scream at me. Understand?"

Soobin let out an exasperated sigh and threw his backpack down onto the ground before taking his seat at the kitchen table.

"My grades are fine, there's no reason for me to have to go to tutoring!" he yelled again, not heading his Appas warning from before.

Seokjin had had enough. All morning and the night prior he had been trying to tell Soobin about his need to go to tutoring as his grades were beginning to slip but Soobin was having absolutely none of it. Usually he would have Namjoon as his backup but he was at a business conference and wouldn't be back until later that afternoon.

"Soobin, i'm done. You are going to tutoring after school and that is final" Seokjin stated before turning off the stove. It was slightly more calming knowing that, as the Principal of his sons school, he would be able to make sure his son would go to the tutoring hours.

The teen only sighed for the nth time before shoving the warm food down his throat. Not bother to make any eye contact with his father while eating.

Neither Seokjin nor Namjoon know where or when it started- Soobins attitude that is. He had always been a caring and sweet teen, but lately the couple had noticed a great shift in his behavior.

Seokjin, although, was a firm believer of gentle parenting, and therefore always tried to see the light in his young son. Though this also was coming to his last patience.

"Once you're done I want to see your homework from last night, then we'll head off to school" Seokjin stated while cleaning up his breakfast mess from earlier. He expected for his son to sigh again and then pull out his binder but he felt tensions rising when there was no movement made by the teen.

Seokjin turned around, "Your homework Soobin, I want to see it" he said once more, growing a little more impatient.

Soobin only stayed silent and looked down at his empty plate, a look of nervousness evident on his face.

"Soobin, please tell me that the homework you have due today is completed and in your binder" Seokjin stated, making his way towards his son.

The teen stayed looking back at the table, his hand slowly moving to grab his backpack. But he was too slow for Seokjin who had already snatched it from the floor.

He opened up the Black jansport and took out the blue 3-ring binder from inside. Only his hope of seeing crumpled homework in the folders soon faded when he noticed the homework (assigned yesterday) was completely blank.

He took it out of the binder and held it up. "Kim Soobin, what is this?" he said. His anger levels starting to rise.

"What?" The teen said, looking as if he had no care for what his father was holding.

"Kim Soobin!" Seokjin was definitely yelling now. "it is one thing to have difficulties in a subject, but it is something completely else to not even try!"

Soobin got up from his seat and snatched the backpack that was hanging in his fathers other hand. "God it's one assignment! Can you relax?!" He yelled back.

Seokjin gasped. Not only was his son, the sweetest angel of his life, screaming back at him. He's also unphased by his poor choices. Making the situation only that much worse.

Seokjin walked as his son walked out of the door with his backpack in one hand and shoes in the other, completely leaving behind the blank homework in his fathers hand.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 23, 2021 ⏰

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