Good Cop/Bad Cop PT1

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Hey Hey Hey, whos ready for more WinTeam??

This goes along with "The Day I Met Him" because they both involve their daughter, Ophelia 

Todays been such a busy week but no way I could break our "new story a week" promise !!

Without further ado...

I present, Good Cop/Bad Cop :) enjoy


It was a beautiful Friday afternoon and Win and Team were in the car on their way to pick up Ophelia from school- as the duo did together everyday. 

After about  15 minutes of waiting in the parking lot, they saw their beautiful 17 year old daughter walking towards the car.

"You know", she started, "If I had my own car you guys wouldn't have to pick me up everyday".  The two men laughed, knowing that a day without Ophelia on the road was a good day. 

"You have no spatial awareness honey" Win scoffed at his daughter, teasingly. A small giggle came from each member in the car followed by Ophelia turning on her favorite playlist and the family driving home in peace. 

Once home, Ophelia took the car keys from the engine and ran inside the house. 

"What's she in a rush for?" Win asked, turning to Team. 

Team came to a realization, "Oh yeah!" he exclaimed, "I forgot to tell you.  Ophelia is going out with her friends today.  They should be leaving in, hmmmm, about an hour?" Team finsihed, looking at his wrist watch. 

Looking up, he saw an undecipherable expression on Wins face. "What do you mean friends? What friends? Are there going to be boys? Where are they gonna go? Whos driving?" he said, without catching a breath in-between or letting Team reply. 

"Calm down" his husband said, "its just going to be her and her best friends. Let her be a teenager and live her life. You cant keep her cooped up inside all day". Team sighed and took his partners had and walked inside the house. Win still anxious as to what his daughter would be doing.


Win and Team were both in the kitchen preparing lunch for the both of them, as Ophelia would be leaving soon, when they heard Ophelia skipping down the stairs. 

"No running!" Team said, in a playful scorn. 

He stayed in the kitchen while Win went to go see his daughter before he left. 

He nearly cut accidentally cut himself while chopping carrots when he heard a scream coming from the front of the house. 

He dropped everything and ran to see what had happened. 

That's when he saw Win standing in complete shock pointing at Ophelia with finger. 

"What is it??" Team said, still out of breath from running the fastest he could. Not seeing what the commotion was about. 

Win turned to Team with a shocked expression. "Really? What's wrong??" he said. "She's wearing makeup, for one, and look at her outfit! no no no, go change!" he exclaimed. 

Team and Ophelia looked at him confused as neither of them saw anything wrong with her outfit. She was wearing some light blue mom jeans, her favorite white converse and a red cropped top she got from her trip to the mall last week which she went on with Team. 

"She doesn't have to go change. This is what people her age wear" Team expressed to his husband. But, Win was having none of it, he had always seen his daughter as his little girl and this outfit change was something new to him. 

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