Chapter 20

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I poked at my food with the silver fork, not having anything to say. Well that's not true. I had a lot to say, but held it in, since I didn't want to start a discussion right now. The others were having the normal dinner conversations, like they always did. I didn't mind just sitting in my own thoughts.

"Is tomorrow okay with everyone?" Tony asked, finally interrupting my thoughts. Everyone was looking around nodding and agreeing, but I had no clue what Tony was talking about.

"Sorry, what were we talking about again?" I asked, insecure about how they would react. They all looked at me.

"You're kidding right? We've literally been talking about this for ten, maybe fifteen minutes, and you have no idea what it is?" Sam asked. I looked down at my food, and saw it parted and mixed. I hadn't eaten anything.

"I'm sorry... Just tell me what it's about." I said, and looked around on their different faces.

"We attack tomorrow." Thor then said.

"Okay when do we leave?" I asked and took a bite of food. No one said anything, which made me a little confused.

"Yeah... You're not coming with us." Bruce then said.

"Yes... I am?" I said, still very confused. Why would I not go with them? was my very first thought.

"No you're not." Tony then said, making me put down the silverware in my hands.

"There is no one at this table that hates those idiots more than me. If anyone should be there it should be me," I said firmly, trying hard to keep myself calm.

"You're their target, there's no way we're putting you at risk like that." James said, defending the case, and making me even more angry.

"He's right you're not coming with us. End of discussion." Tony said, finally breaking the wall I had held up, down. I slammed my fist onto the table and stood up, leaning forward to Tony sitting in front of me.

"THIS IS RIDICULOUS WE ALL KNOW I CAN HANDLE MYSELF, SO WHY CAN'T I JUST COME WITH YOU!" I yelled at Tony. He quickly stood up too now facing me, with a furious expression on his face.

"BECAUSE I DON'T WANT TO LOSE YOU!" He yelled back. I could see on his face, that he regretted his words. He pushed out the chair behind him, and stormed out. I was completely speechless. I didn't expect him to say that. I then subtly looked around, and slowly sat back down. The silence was awkward, so I walked out. I went to my room, closed the door and broke down in front of the bathroom mirror. I had never seen the situation, from Tony's point of view. He really did love me as a daughter, and i really loved him like a father. I took off my clothes, turned on the shower and sat down in there.

"God I'm fucked up." I groaned into my hands, covering my mascara running down my face. I leaned my head back, now looking up at the ceiling, thinking of nothing but what Tony had said. After thinking for a while, with the drops running down my cold body, I finally got up. I turned off the shower grabbed a towel and dried my body off with it, until wrapping it around me. I slowly looked up at myself in the mirror. Black mascara was running down my cheeks, and finally I felt it. Guilt. Facing myself has also made me face my feelings. I loved Tony. I loved Peter too. I had never really thought about how much they meant to me, and now that I did, it was all I could really think about. At that very moment someone knocked at the door. I put on some underwear and the biggest t-shirt I could find. I dragged myself to the door with the end of the t-shirt dangling around my top thighs. I stopped, sighed and opened the door, meeting with the sight of Peter.

"Hey..." He said, like dipping his toe in the water, to feel the temperature. My lip started to tremble, and he noticed immediately.

"Come here love." He said, and opened his arms. I looked down and dawdled to him, making our bodies collaborate. I cried into his chest, while he straddled my hair in a soothing way. I pulled my head out now looking up at him. He leaned down and kissed my forehead, making me smile lightly. I then rested my head on his chest once again.

"I really love you ..." I whispered, just so he could hear it. I could feel his smile in the hug, and it warmed my heart.

"I love you too." Peter whispered back. I pulled out of his grip, and wiped my tears.

"I have to talk to Tony don't I?" I asked, already knowing the answer.

"Yeah..." He answered with a sorry glance in his eyes. I chuckled in that ridiculous way you do, when you just cried.

"I think he's in his lab." Peter said.

"I'm just gonna get dressed, and I'll find him." I said, and turned around to go put on some pants, but was stopped when Peter grabbed my hips, and turned me around in a quick movement. Soon I felt his lips passionately hit mine.

I put my hands on his cheeks pulling him further into the kiss, capturing his taste even more

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I put my hands on his cheeks pulling him further into the kiss, capturing his taste even more.

"Alright, maybe Tony can wait a little while." I said, smiling in-between kisses, as we walked backwards still kissing. The door swung open, as we walked backwards into it. I closed it with my foot, as Peter pulled his t-shirt over his head. We molded together, fitted against one another, with stunning perfection. I had never felt as I did now, exploring the taste of him. Feeling the strength of his arms around me. Inhaling his scents. I felt as though I'd found a moment of forever. Like this was how we should've always been.


Have a great day guys! U deserve it <333

𝑇𝐻𝐸 𝑁𝐸𝑊 𝐴𝑉𝐸𝑁𝐺𝐸𝑅 - Peter ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now