Chapter 22

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We were both completely tired out, after having had sex so passionately... And roughly. We had laid and talked for an hour and a half, just looking deeply into each other's eyes. He made me more happy than I could ever imagine. I was just about to fall into a deep sleep in Peter's arms, as he watched television. I woke myself up, when I remembered what I had to do.

"Oh shit!" I said lifting my head fast, immediately capturing Peter's attention.

"What? Do you want me to turn it down?" Peter asked, confused, and grabbed the remote.

"No, I forgot about Tony!" I said, as I jumped up from the bed, gliding away from the silk linens and Peter's comforting warm body. He put down the remote, and watched me put on clothes. When I had put some biker shorts and a hoodie on, I walked over to his side of the bed with Peter following me with his eyes. I leaned down.

"I don't know how long this will take, but I'll be back." I said, and then glided my hand along his jawline. He leaned his head up a little, and met my lips with his. I pulled away to not get too caught up again, and gave him a peck on his nose.

"Get outta here." Peter said, laughing in embarrassment. I chuckled and walked to the door, twisted the handle and walked out. It was eleven o'clock, and I was exhausted. My eyes were heavy, and somehow I managed to drag my feet to the room Tony had shown me, where he mostly went when he wanted to be alone. It had a lot of useful stuff like a fridge, a bar and even a bathroom. Even though the door was closed, I could see some light shining through underneath. I knew he was in there, but I still had no idea what I was walking into. Would he be drunk? Mad?... Sad? I gathered myself, and opened the door slightly to stick my head in, and sure enough there he was. Sitting at the small bar with what looked like a scotch in his hand. I walked in, without him noticing. I leaned my back up the door making it make a loud noise as it closed, so he would notice my presence. As soon as he had turned and saw me, he looked down and turned back around. I walked slowly towards him, and sat down next to him.

"Hey..." I said carefully. Tony took another sip of his drink, and put it down. He sighed and looked up at a picture that was hanging on the other side of the counter. He didn't answer me for some time, but just kept watching the picture, sipping once in a while out of his drink.

"You see that picture?" He asked, and in a short movement pointed to it. I looked up at it, studying it.

"Yeah... That you?" I asked, and pointed to the boy who looked to be ten, standing up straight, with a man holding his shoulders behind him. Tony said nothing for a few seconds, still not taking his eyes off the picture.

"Yup... Handsome right?" He asked, pushing his arm into mine, while chuckling a little. His laugh made me smile wide, and chuckle a little too. Tony took the last sip of his drink, as I watched the picture. No smiles on either of their faces. I had to apologize.

"I'm sorry." I admitted, as he looked down at the ice cubes stirring around in his glass.

"Me too." He said, and glimpsed up at me, followed with a short smile. I pulled my sleeves further down my hands, and looked down at them.

"I don't want to be like my dad." Tony said, making me return my attention up to him. "Expected me to be an adult, but treated like a child... Rey if you come along on this one... I'm afraid I'll lose you..." he muttered. I looked up at the picture of Tony and his dad yet again, but now focusing on his dad. He looked exactly like the type of man who would make rules, and never even be there to watch them be obeyed. No wonder Tony was, the way he was.

"I'll stay here tomorrow." I said calmly. I wanted to rip those people's heads off, but it would probably be better if they just rotted in prison. Tony smiled, and gave a small approving nod.

"Do you still talk to your dad?" I asked, making him tense up a tiny bit.

"Long story short, Bucky killed him... And my mom."

"What!?" I yelled in surprise. I had not expected that to be the answer. He must have been under hydra's control, while that happened. Otherwise he definitely would not be a part of the avengers right now.

"Please tell me he was under hydra's control." I said, hoping for only one answer.

"He was... Wait- how do you know about that?" Tony asked, looking confused.

"I talked to Steve, and he told me about it... Uhm leaving out the detail that Bucky murdered your parents..." I answered. It was true. Steve had told me a lot about everyone on the team.

"Yeah he usually does that." Tony said, and started getting up from the stool. He picked up his phone on the bar table, and turned to me.

"I'm going to bed. And so should you." He said, and started walking through the room, as I got up too. I walked a little behind him, and he held the door open for me. I walked out, with him now behind me. A few doors later we parted ways, and said goodnight. My hand was just inches away from the doorknob, when I heard a sound. I retracted my hand and followed it a little down the hall. I reached where Natasha's door was, and I realized. I scrunch my nose in disgust.

"Oh god." I whispered to myself, as I walked back to my door. I opened it and was met with the sound of the tv, so I assumed Peter was still up.

"So Natasha and Bucky are having a good time right now!" I yelled, to Peter from the entrance, right as I had closed the door behind me. I walked further in, to see Peter lying with his mouth slightly open, breathing heavily. I tilted my head, and smiled to myself, at the adorable sight. I grabbed the remote that had fallen halfway out of his hand on the bed. I turned off the tv, now making the room completely silent, with a glimpse of moonlight brightening the room a very small amount. I took off the shorts, and crawled under the sheets next to Peter, now in underwear and hoodie. I moved into Peter's body, and it instantly warmed me up. In his sleep he put an arm over me, and pulled me in closer. I slowly fell asleep counting his calming breaths.


I was a little slow on writing this chapter, but I've enjoyed my weekend a lot, not stressing about the story :) 

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