Chapter 28

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If I could choose anything, I would have chosen to die when he pulled out that blade. My stomach was empty, to that point where I felt like it was hollow, but also like I was getting punched every second. The hope of getting saved was stirring thinner and thinner. My whole body was throbbing, and holding up my head felt like holding up a car with a pinky. The last thing I felt before waking up in that hospital bed, was Tony's cold armor, on my ripped skin. The light was unbearably strong in my eyes, as I slowly woke up. I could hear the beeping of my heartbeat, on the monitor next to the bed. I looked over at it, and followed the line moving up and down with my eyes. I struggled sitting up in bed. I pulled out the needle in my hand, and gritted my teeth, as it pinched a tiny bit. I supported myself on the bed, till I was standing on the floor, but it was then I realized I was only in panties, and nothing else. I spotted a hoodie and some Nike pro shorts, laying neatly folded, on a chair next to the bed. I quickly pulled on the hoodie first, but I had to sit down for a little while, because I got dizzy. As I sat rubbing my temples, I heard voices. I thought I was going crazy, until they became louder, and I realized they were outside the room. I put on the shorts, and more carefully got up again. The door was open, so I stood by the wall, eavesdropping.

"I don't understand why can't I just go in and see her?" It was definitely Peter's voice, and I could tell he was annoyed.

"She needs rest Peter, you can go see her when she's awake." Tony answered. I kept listening to them talk about it for a while, until Tony had to leave.

"Listen kid, I don't know when she'll wake up. It could be hours, but if you really want you can wait out here." I heard Tony say, and then footsteps fading. Peter sighed, and sat down in the waiting chair outside. I smiled to myself, a tiny bit, walked out and leaned up the doorframe. I crossed my arms, and looked at him sitting there, just looking straight forward.

"Hey Parker." I said, smirking at him. He jumped up and basically ran those two steps between us. He lifted me up, hugging me tight.

"Peter my bruises." I said chuckling kinda in pain, as he quickly put me down.

"Sorry, I just... God I missed you." He said, as he slowly pulled me into a more calm and warming hug. His hand was stroking down my hair, in a soothing way, that made me feel at home. I closed my eyes, just enjoying being in Peter's arms, and also slightly holding in some tears. One tear escaped, even though I had tried so hard to be strong. When he pulled me out I wiped the tear, and chuckled a little, looking down at the floor.

"Come on, let's find the others." Peter said, smiling. He took my hand, and started walking with me faintly behind him. I felt around a little on my face, and touched some of the bruises. Sure enough they were still there, although the cut down my cheek was taped so it could heal. It still hurts to touch it. Peter opened a door, and a few others until we reached the living room. Everyone turned their heads, and Tony was the first one to approach me.

"Oh god." Tony said laughing, as he wrapped his arms around me. I giggled into his chest. It was like a relief being in his arms.

"Welcome home." Steve said and patted my shoulder, and the others said something in that direction too.

"Looks like they did you dirty down there." Natasha said, and pointed to my bruised and cut face. I put a hand to my cheek feeling some of them again.

"Yeah about that... The reason he hit me and cut me, was because he wanted to know something, but-." I stopped when Loki interrupted me mid-sentence.

"What did he want to know?" He asked. Thor hit him over the head.

"Ow! What was that for?" He asked, rubbing his head looking mad at Thor.

"Let her finish, idiot." He said, and signaled for me to go on. I explained everything to them. How my dad had cheated them. How he wanted to know something I didn't, and how he starved, beat and cut me. They had all listened carefully without saying a word.

"Look I'm just glad you guys found me... But what did you do with all the people there?" I asked, making them all avoid eye contact. No one was answering and it created a suspicious vibe in my head. It didn't look like the avengers, to be so quiet all of the sudden.

"We uh..." Bruce said, as he started rubbing his neck.

"We might have... By accident!.. Blown the place up." Thor finally said.

"YOU WHAT?!" I yelled. I mean those guys were pricks, but what if innocent people had been in there? The only bright side is that the man who tortured me and the ones who just stood there watching are dead. BUT STILL!

"It was an accident okay!" Tony defended.

"How the fuck do you blow up, an entire building by accident!?" I hysterically shot back.

"I had a missile ready to blow the place up, and I accidentally activated it." Tony said, really caressing the word 'accidentally'.

"Okay just... Please tell me you somehow knew that all the people in there were assholes." I said in a much more calm voice. I had to control myself.

"They had max security, so we're counting on everyone in there, were dealing with some shady stuff." Natasha said, leaning on a chair. I took a deep breath.

"Was it hard to break in?" I then asked, somewhat changing the subject.

"They had some pretty high-tech weapons, but nothing we couldn't handle." Steve answered.

"Then how come it took so long for you guys to come get me? I waited for eight days for you, to fight someone you could easily beat." I said.

"I had to develop a device so they couldn't track us, as soon as we tried to hack into their system. I don't know why it took so long to develop that device, but the important thing is that you're okay, and we reached you just in time." Tony said. It made sense.

"You're right... I'm gonna go get some rest." I said, sighing, while getting up. As I walked out, I shot Peter a look that made him smile. As I exited I could hear Peter excuse himself, and then footsteps headed my way.


Thank you guys for reading my story and voting for it, as I've said before it really means a lot!

Love you <3

𝑇𝐻𝐸 𝑁𝐸𝑊 𝐴𝑉𝐸𝑁𝐺𝐸𝑅 - Peter ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now