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A/N what the fawk?!?!?! Over 250 views already? Wot? Thanks a lot lovely readers! 🦀🦀🦀


I woke up, and rushed to get ready. I ran to the bathroom, brushing my teeth before putting the toothbrush into my toiletry bag. I took shampoo and body wash just in case. I got a bunch of hair ties too. I put on a ripped t-shirt with a sports bra under it, and black sweatpants. I also wrapped an electric green and black bandana scarf around my head (not like reki, but yk with it covering your hair). I put on my black converse and grabbed my duffel bag. I looked at the time and saw that it was almost time to leave. I grabbed my phone and charger last minute and stuffed it into my bag too. I left the house, writing a note saying I left, and skated down to Dope skate shop. I waited outside, and soon came Reki and Langa. They stopped as I fist bumped with them. We then skated down tot he flower shop where Shadow worked at so he could drive us. 

Shadow still wasn't there, so I sat on the hood of his car and leaning against the windshield. I listened to Langa and Reki's conversation. 

"Langa, have you ever thought about getting a girlfriend?" Reki asked resting his hands on the roof of the car. 

"No, not really. You Reki?" Langa replied. 

"Yeah, all the time! And it sucks that the only woman I have ever held a conversation with that isn't family is y/n" 

"Then ask her out" Langa said as if it was simple. 

"No way! She's scary, plus I don't see her that way! She's one of the boys" Reki said taken aback. 

"oh, so I'm part of the boys too?" Langa asked pointing to himself. 

"Yer" I butted in. 

"Glad to hear that none of you guys are attracted to me that way! Back in Australia, I couldn't be friends with a guy without them trying to get with me, It was fucking hell" I laughed rolling around on the hood. 

"OI! WHAT ARE YOU DOING? LAYING ON MY CAR" a familiar voice yelled. 

"Oh, shadow you're here" I said, sliding off. 

"Don't ever lay on my car like that again" He growled, dusting it off as if I got it dirty. 

"Hey! I didn't get it dirty" I said offended. 

"You might as well have with your grubby hands" Miya said skating up. 

"I know you did not just say that with your sticky child hands" I said, grabbing his small head with my hands, stopping his skateboard as well. 

"Stop let go!" He whined

I sighed, and pushed his head into the direction of the open car door. I sat in the middle, in between Langa and Reki, while Miya called shotgun. I sighed and waited until we got to the port. We climbed onto, and Shadow said that he would find a safe place for our luggage. I thanked him and tossed my duffle bag at him causing him to yell. I ignored it, and walked to the railing, looking at the waves. Soon the ferry started moving, the wind blowing against my hair. I breathed in the salt air as I closed my eyes. 

"This is our first trip together" Reki said, dropping his arm around my shoulder 

"Yeah" Langa said, doing the same thing on the other side of me. I grinned, and nodded. 

I leaned onto the railing as Langa and Reki did the same. We joked and laughed when I all of a sudden needed to take a piss. 

"Guys, nature calls" I said, turning around to walk to the bathroom. 

"You could have said it any other way and you chose that?" Reki laughed. 

"Yes, got a problem with that? Wanna fight?" I joked getting into a fighting stance. 

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