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Credits to @grxavitybabe_ for giving me some ideas! Thank youuuu! Much love <3 🦀 🦀 🦀 WHAT THE FAWK! ALMOST 1K READS!!! HOLY FUCKING CHICKEN LEGS

y/n: POV

Miya and I went directly into the shoe store at the nearby mall. Shadow, Langa and Reki went to Macdonalds to get some drinks. I sighed, shaking my head as Langa chased Reki through the mall. I sat down on the bench as Miya browsed through the shoes. He came back with 3 boxes. 

"So, I got 3 types of shoes, one below the ankle, one above the ankle and one with slightly bigger platforms. They are all black with neon green highlights, because I think it will match with your skate board" He said, putting the boxes down next to me. I took both my shoes off, and tried them on. 

"you know, Miya! You're actually nice when you want to be" I said, slapping the back of his head playfully. 

"Stop! I'll change up on you just like that, so shut up" He hissed, snapping his fingers to emphasise his point. 

"Alright, alright!" I laughed defensively. I tried all 3 shoes on, and decided on the ankle high shoes with a thin platform. 

"I like this one" I said, checking it out in the mirror, and walking around a few times. 

"Alright, well quickly check out because I want to go and get some food too" he said. I went to the register, with my shoes still on. 

"Hi, I'd like to buy these shoes" I said, putting my foot up on the counter.

"Are you wearing these directly after you buy them?" The cashier asked, smiling a little. 

"Yeah, I was skating and my shoes busted" I said, showing her my broken shoes. Her eyes widened as she started laughing. She scanned my foot and took the tag off for me. I handed her the money, got my change and walked out of the store feeling fresh and hot. I strutted out to Mac Donalds, dragging Miya by his hood. I burst through the door, and saw Reki and Langa sitting at a small booth drinking from their cups. I sat down next to Shadow, and pulled Miya next to me.

"Will you stop dragging me around?" He grumbled, shaking his hood out of my grasp

"Can you gain some weight so I won't be tempted to drag you around?" I shot back. 

"No! I have a strict amount of nutrients consumed so that I'm top condition for skating" He said, defensively. I started to laugh, and snatched Reki's drink, and chugged it. 

"Wha- HEY! GIVE IT BACK" Reki shouted. I chugged it all down, and handed him his empty cup back. 

"Here you go!" I laughed. 

"I hate you" he pouted. 

"Here, just buy yourself a new drink" I said, tossing him the rest of my money which was enough to buy a drink. His smile lit up, and rushed to the counter. We just sat there for a while and chilled. 


I got home, but instead of getting ready for bed, I got ready to go out again to S. I cleaned my skateboard to make it look fabulous, and put on my usual black sweatpants and, a neon green sports bra and an oversized black crop top. I brushed my teeth, put my hair in a loose low bun with a few strands falling out in the front. I grinned at myself in the mirror, and jumped out of my window onto a tree branch. I dropped my skateboard in the grass and jumped down. I met Langa, and Reki  in our usual meeting place and hopped on Langa's bike. I put on a small pin with the S logo on to my shirt. They let us pass, recognising us and the pin. I hopped off and skated towards a deserted area to get ready. 

'Look! It's Arashi'

'It's been a while since she came'

'Arashi is so cool!'

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