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A/N Hey my lovelies! I'm so sorry for not updating! And thank you so much for 25k views! I really appreciate it! I never thought this book would get so many reads! It's totally insane! I love you all, and I hope you guys are doing well! Enjoy this chapter 🦀 🦀 🦀

y/n POV: 

I got up and did my hair. I put it in 2 braids just to get it out of the way and put my clothes on. Since it was warm today, I put on basketball shorts and a white and blue polo shirt. I slipped my sailor's socks on and put my shoes on. I got my regular fanny back and put my keys, phone, bandaids, and some gum. I plugged my headphones in and put them in my ear. I started blasting stupid, trashy white conservative country music to mock them, and walked out of the house. I grabbed my skateboard and skated to the mall we met at first. I went to the spot where I usually would wait, but there sat Sakura-chan looking around while resting her hands on her purse which was placed on her lap. I skated up to her and slowed down. 

"y/n! Heyyyy" She cheered as soon as she caught sight of me. 

"Hello my lady" I played, bowing down deeply with one arm over my stomach and the other behind my back. She stood up and curtseyed, while giggling. I stood back up and made eye contact with grin. Her eyes sparkled as she held a light blush. 

"Shall we get going?" I asked, holding my arm out. 

"We shall" She spoke poshly as she took my hand. I grinned and crouched down, signalling her to hop on my back. This time, she was wearing a very feminine playsuit and ballerina shoes. She walked on awkwardly but as soon as she leaned down on my back, I stood up.  

I grabbed my board and put it down and stood on it, kicking gingerly to get used to the weight difference. Soon I got used to it and started speeding up. After a few minutes of skating and chatting, we made it home. 

"Do you want to change again, or not?" I asked as I set her down to unlock the door. 

"I think I'm fine! But I just saw that a cute cafe just opened near here! Can we go?" She asked excitedly, her hair bouncing behind her. I nodded and grinned at her while grabbing her board from out of my closet. 

"Actually, can you do my hair? I don't want it to get in the way as we skate" She asked, fiddling with her fingers. I giggled and nodded, walking over to my closet, grabbing a white bandana and wrapping it around her head gently. I grabbed 2 strands from the front and pulled it out from under it to give the hairstyle more flare. I patted both sides of her head, indicating that I was finished. She trotted over to my mirror and checked her hair out with a large smile. 

"Thanks n/n chan!" she giggled happily. 

"n/n?" I asked with a confused smile. 

"yeah! I spent days thinking of a cute nickname! I settled on n/n!" She explained excitedly. 

she spent days thinking about me -////-... well thinking of my nickname, but still it's of me!

"That's adorable" I thought aloud. I realised what I said and turned away to hide my face. When I looked back, Sakura was hiding her face adorably. She took her face out of my hands to look at me again, and gave me an embarrassed smile, but a smile nonetheless. 

"t-thanks!" She said quietly and looked away. I looked around the room awkwardly but then remembered she wanted to go to the cafe. 

"C'mon! Lets go to the cafe!" I grinned excitedly. 

"y-yea!" She stuttered and followed me to the door. I looked down at her feet and realised she was wearing super uncomfortable shoes again. 

"Do you want to wear one of mine?" I asked, gesturing to her shoes. 

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