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A/N Hey my lovelies! Thank you so much for 16.5k reads! This is so crazy! I love you all so much 🦀 🦀 🦀

y/n POV:

I felt like throwing up as I walked on the slippery cold tile floor. I sat down on the dining table, staring down at my hands. I gulped as the chair squeaked under my weight. My senses seemed to heighten as I felt my whole life crashing down. Nothing even happened yet, and I still felt like death. My mom cleared my throat, but I wouldn't look up. Instead, I twitched to show that I was listening. 

"You snuck out" She stated. 

yeah I know that

"In the middle of the night" 

no I thought it was noon

"to go skateboarding" My dad added 

"Yes" I finally said, all the snarky comments in my head unable to reach my mouth. 

"Why?" My mom asked. Her simple question made me look up. 

"Because I love skating" I replied. When I finally looked up, I saw their faces. It wasn't one of anger, but one of sadness. Like they were reminded of a bittersweet memory. I furrowed my brows, confused at why they weren't yelling at me. 

"Why ar-"

"Why aren't we mad?" Dad interrupted me. I nodded silently, swallowing a thing glob of mucus. 

"We were terrified when you weren't in your bed. Then your mother got a notification that you posted on instagram" He replied. 

"Sorry" I mumbled, scared that if I spoke any louder, my dinner would make a reappearance. 

"it's fine. but you have to tell us where you were" Mom said finally. Oh shit. 

"I can't" I replied. 

"Why not?" Dad asked, all of a sudden sounding agitated. 

"Because I just can't" I said again. 

"But why not?" Mom pressed,  getting annoyed. 

"I can't because it's a secret organisation for skaters! If you aren't a skater, you aren't allowed to know about it's existence" I shouted at them. I was already on skittish when I got home. Their annoyance directed towards me wasn't helping. 

"Well if you don't tell us, how are we supposed to know that you aren't going out with a bunch of boys to do who knows what? You could be robbing stores, doing drugs and alcohol!" Mom shouted back. 

"I'm not! I skate with my friends, I hang out with them and thats it!" I shouted back. 

Suddenly everything was silent. I looked back at my hands, hearing the slight buzzing of the heating system and the static electricity of the lights. I rubbed my cold hands even though the rest of my body was warm. 

"How long has this been going on for?" Mom asked quietly. 

"Ever since I started skateboarding" I replied. 

"6 MONTHS?!" She screamed in shock. I flinched at the sudden loudness in volume, but nodded. 

"You came home every day in the early morning hours?" My dad asked 

I nodded once again. 

"That is very unsafe of you! you could have injured yourself, or.. or" My mom's voice trailed off. 

"A guy could take advantage of me?" I asked. She nodded, tears in her eyes. 

"That won't be happening any time soon" I replied with a reassuring smile. They still were tense and unconvinced. 

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